Facebook blocks shutdown protest sites, and BIG NEWS on lower COVID fatality rate (CounterDrudge 4/20)
Steve Elliott Apr 20, 2020They just moved the COVID goalposts (who cares about another 5 million unemployed)
Steve Elliott Apr 16, 2020FOXNews reports virus started in lab, and what are these governors doing? (CounterDrudge 4/16)
Steve Elliott Apr 16, 2020Breaking: We welcome Tucker Carlson to the "COVID dark web" and what's with NYC rigging the numbers?
Steve Elliott Apr 15, 2020Craziest thing we've heard during this crisis, plus more evidence of a lower COVID fatality rate
Steve Elliott Apr 14, 202088% of COVID-positive pregnant women had NO SYMPTOMS, and shocking hospital furloughs (CounterDrudge 04/14)
Steve Elliott Apr 14, 2020Two Faucis, your "deadly" 400-mile drive and a bunch of crazy COVID-"1984" updates
Steve Elliott Apr 13, 2020German study indicates U.S. COVID-19 mortality rate may be MUCH LOWER than experts have told us
Steve Elliott Apr 10, 2020Why we're in this dilemma and the real risks of COVID-19 (CounterDrudge 04/09)
Steve Elliott Apr 09, 2020Do you like this page?