A new Economist/YouGov poll released this week revealed that Republicans have a new favorite president. Donald J. Trump has "dethroned" Ronald W. Reagan for the top spot. In fact, America's 45th president is now the third most popular commander-in-chief of all time (13%) -- behind only Barack Obama (18%) and Abraham Lincoln (17%). But in a head-to-head match-up between Trump and Reagan, YouGov found that it's not even close:

"The change in GOP rankings since 2018, when the last survey was conducted, is striking. In 2018, Republicans ranked Reagan first (36%), followed by Trump (10%). Now, the positions are reversed, with the percentage of Republicans who name Trump as the best President ever having [more than] tripled to 36%, twice the number who still choose Ronald Reagan (18%)."

While this reversal in popularity may have surprised some people, Grassfire actually expected it. Despite the constant hysterical and ridiculous attacks from radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left, the Deep State, the D.C. Swamp, FAKE NEWS, Hollywood "elites" and Establishment RINOs, President Trump's "America First" legacy is every conservative's dream. As commander-in-chief, he stood for life, gun rights, deregulation, tax cuts, job growth, the military and so many other things that ushered in an unprecedented time of economic prosperity.

Grassfire founder and president Steve Elliott even wrote about why Donald Trump is the greatest president since Ronald Reagan. "Making the Presidency Great Again" is a 120-page booklet, published in 2018, that highlights 21 reasons why "45" was already on his way to becoming the best commander-in-chief ever. Now, this week's poll proves it!

+ + Receive Your Copy of "Making The Presidency Great Again" For A Contribution Of ANY AMOUNT

Now, you can receive this exclusive resource that reveals the greatness of Donald J. Trump. In appreciation for your contribution of ANY AMOUNT to help Grassfire build for the battles ahead, we'll rush you one copy of "Making The Presidency Great Again."Contribute $30 or more and receive two copies -- one for you and another for a friend or family member.

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"Making The Presidency Great Again" also includes the full text for two of Mr. Trump's greatest speeches. The first is his inauguration address (It's Going to Be "America First"), and the second is The West Will Never Be Broken, delivered in Warsaw, Poland, on July 6, 2017.

Again, if you can help Grassfire with a contribution of ANY AMOUNT today, we'll rush you one copy of "Making The Presidency Great Again." (Even $5 or $10 will help cover printing and shipping.) When you contribute $30 or more, we'll send you TWO COPIES (one to keep and one to share). Click here now to receive yours.

Grassfire wants to empower pro-Trump Americans to make their voices heard on the key political and social issues of our day. But we can't fight back without your help! Please support our ongoing efforts to REPORT TRUTH so you can TAKE ACTION. Thanks, in advance, for your standing with us today.

For liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Unfortunately, the COVID "feardemic" opened the door wide for an ENGINEERED election result, primarily in blue states, that installed the Biden regime. Even though more than 74 million pro-Trump Americans were denied (at least for now) a second term of "America First," this exclusive Grassfire resource sets the record straight on our 45th president. But we only have a limited supply of "Making The Presidency Great Again" available, so don't wait! Click here or on the banner below now to help Grassfire fight and receive your copy in appreciation for your contribution of ANY AMOUNT:


Republicans used to call Ronald Reagan the best president in US history. Now it’s Donald Trump. (Economist/YouGov)