Here are the COVID-19 headlines even Drudge (never mind the MSM) will NOT report:
The FEAR MEDIA is pushing one narrative -- gloom, despair and agony on us. So here's our "CounterDrudge," the stories and headlines even Drudge won't report. (Note: we suggest using Google Chrome browser with auto translation for non-English sourced stories.)
May 22
FREE Our Children (and College Students) -- SPECIAL REPORT
CDC: Symptomatic Case Fatality Ratio for 0-49: .0005, or .05%!!!
- With antibody tests showing 10x-50x more asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases than confirmed cases, this indicates:
INFECTION FATALITY RATE FOR UNDER 49 of from .005% to .0001%
- Normal monthly risk of death for 5-14 year olds: .0008%
- Normal monthly risk of death for 15-24 year olds: .003%
- Conclusion: school- and college-aged students have no more risk of death from COVID than they do from just living!
- CDC reports just 88 deaths UNDER 25 -- 99.9951% survival rate
Stop Fear-Mongering: Kids Are Safer From Covid-19 Than Everyone Else
- "The Center for Disease Control’s most recent report shows 12 pediatric COVID deaths total, compared to 174 pediatric flu deaths this season. In the 2018-2019 flu season there were 400 pediatric deaths, and the 2009 swine flu pandemic killed 2,000 children."
- "Children under 10 are less likely to get infected than adults and if they get infected, they are less likely to get seriously ill. What is interesting is that even if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents."
Children less likely to get infected and have milder symptoms
- "Among the first 150,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States, only 1.7% occurred in children under 18 years old, whereas children make up 22% of the whole population."
- No cases of child passing CoVID to adults
Report: How at risk are your children?
- "We can see if we look at the data from other countries that regardless of lockdown, children aren’t getting as many cases of coronavirus around the world. "
CDC: Symptomatic Case Fatality Ratio for 0-49: .0005, or .05%!!!
ReOpen Schools!
Evidence from 22 country to reopen!
- "Evidence from 22 EU states that have restored classes suggests little or no risk to pupils, teachers or families."
- Netherlands: "Children play a small role in the spread" of COVID
Iceland: more evidence school shutdown unnecessary:
- "even if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents."
- dropping school restrictions
Norway: school closures don't help
- "The overall negative effects of keeping schools closed are much greater than the potential benefit of limiting the spread of infection."
- Same in Switzerland
- Australia: Getting our kids back to school: a matter of trust
- Wired: "children do not contract this disease at scale; and when they do their symptoms are very likely to be mild or nonexistent"
- Deblasio's "flat earth" science behind shutting schools
- Colleges headed for financial trouble
- UVA dad to UVA students
Evidence from 22 country to reopen!
- Expert epidemiologist: fatality rate .1-.05%; COVID "on the way out" (video):
May 18
- How a HIGH SCHOOL PAPER started the lockdown insanity
- More evidence that the Shutdown didn't work
- "Social Distancing" is snake oil, not science
- Have we forgotten (the devastating impact of the lockdown on) the children?
- Spanish study: those who kept working were LESS infected
- FL Governor on lockdowns: "devolved into social control"
- Google Mobility Data proves social distancing/shutdown didn't work
- Horowitz: shocking effects of lockdown
- Knut Wittowski on deadly consequences of lockdown
- It's official: more have lost jobs now than in Great Depression
- Report: "Children play a small role in the spread" of COVID (Netherlands)
- The Shutdown Medical Crisis!
- Antibody testing
- More on the Nursing HOme crisis
- Free America Now -- get all the latest updates AND events in your state!
- U.S. Testing now widespread: 422k tests daily; just 5% positive
- Numis Securities study on COVID status
- Peggy Noonan: this is classic class struggle
- COVID 1984
- Head of Barstool Sports unleashes on shutdown (WARNING-- PROFANITY!)
May 13
Fauci establishes NEW "no cases... no deaths" standard
- (Grassfire exclusive video) Virginia tightens the screws in slightly opening door for churches
- Lockdown based on "crude mathematical guesswork" (inside the failed Imperial model)
- Musk reopens CA plant -- "arrest me"
- Michigan reopen Facebook page with 380k members SHUT DOWN!
- L.A. County plans summer-long shutdown
- MN data: long-term care (1% of pop) is 82% of deaths
study confirms the minimal role of children in the Covid-19 epidemic (French)
- "Children are not very carriers, not very transmitters, and when they are contaminated it is almost always adults in the family who have contaminated them," he explains. These results "completely confirm the entire scientific literature" on the subject.
- Social Distancing is Snake Oil, Not Science
Study on CDC website (May 2020): Masks, hygiene, cleaning do not have a "substantial effect" on stopping viruses
- "Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. We similarly found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning."
May 11
"Updating our approach to misleading information"
- "These warnings will inform people that the information in the Tweet conflicts with public health experts’ guidance before they view it."
"Updating our approach to misleading information"
We have a NURSING HOME crisis!
- Spreadsheet: 53% of deaths in reporting states are from nursing homes
- Percentages are INCREASING
- ex: Virginia; nursing homes represent .3% of population and nearly 60% of COVID deaths; thus nursing home deaths over-represented by a FACTOR of 200 (that's 20,000%)
- 66% OF NY new patients sheltered at home!
- "widespread closure of all non-essential businesses and stay-at-home policies do not appear to have had a significant effect on the number of Covid-19 cases across Europe.”
Head of Hamburg (Germany) forensic pathology says 100% COVID deaths had co-morbidity:
- "This virus affects our lives in a completely exaggerated way....And the astronomical economic damage now arising is not commensurate with the danger posed by the virus. I am convinced that corona mortality will not even make itself felt as a peak in annual mortality"
- Georgia re-opening working! Cases down
- Switzerland rolls back lockdown MONTH EARLY
- Germany: Shutdown huge mistake (largest newspaper)
- Median of serological studies: .28%
Case for Re-opening schools
- Wired: "children do not contract this disease at scale; and when they do their symptoms are very likely to be mild or nonexistent"
Iceland: more evidence school shutdown unnecessary:
- "even if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents."
- dropping school restrictions
Norway: school closures don't help
- "The overall negative effects of keeping schools closed are much greater than the potential benefit of limiting the spread of infection."
- Same in Switzerland
- Global Food Crisis
Analysis: Herd immunity happens FASTER than thought
- " the true herd immunity threshold probably lies somewhere between the 7% and 24%" of population infected
- Risk is reasonable or most
- COVID "1984"
- Shock (not): Bailout is working for the rich
- German virologist: Covid-19 is less deadly than we thought (video)
May 6
May 4
Nursing Home Miracle -- Hydroxychloroquine works! (video)
- 56 residents and 33 staff positive for COVID-19; all treated; all recover!
- Getting our kids back to school: a matter of trust
Lockdowns no longer right medicine (Dr. Ionnidis)
- Feardemic: England "is a bunch of bedwetters"
- Medical crisis: Merck says cancer drugs down -- how many will die?
- Comparison to the Hong Kong Flu (1968)
- Pork workers all asymptomatic
- Coronavirus hype "biggest hoax in history"
- Professor Michael Levitt (Stanford U): Lockdown "huge mistake" (video)
May 2
The Data is in: Lockdowns DON'T WORK
- WSJ: Do lockdowns save lives? The data says NO
- CORNELL STUDY: Only limited-time quarantine of high-risk is needed; rest economy remains operational
- WHO-- SWEDEN IS THE MODEL (and they didn't do harsh lockdown!)
Study: "these strategies might not have saved any life in western Europe"
- study here
- "LOCKIN-20" -- evidence lockdowns don't work
- A citizen's case for ending the lockdowns
- read this! "Media v. Flatten the Curve"
- MORE STUDIES: COVID less deadly
VA Med School -- our COVID therapies are WRONG!
- FAIL: "historically high levels of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 is due to a single factor: the widespread and inappropriate reluctance amongst intensivists to employ anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant treatments"
- FAIL: "It is essential to recognize that it is not the virus that is killing the patient, rather it is the patient’s overactive immune system. The flames of the “cytokine fire” are out of control and need to be extinguished."
- FAIL: "Providing supportive care (with ventilators that themselves stoke the fire) and waiting for the cytokine fire to burn itself out simply does not work… this approach has FAILED and has led to the death of tens of thousands of patients."
- document here
- Health mitigations to stop COVID
- Vitamin D could possibly improve outcomes (Study)
VA medical school recommends prophylactic "cocktail"
- Vitamin C 500 mg BID and? Quercetin 250-500 mg BID
- Zinc 75-100 mg/day (acetate, gluconate or picolinate). Zinc lozenges are preferred. After 1-2 months, reduce the dose to 30-50 mg/day
- Melatonin (slow release): Begin with 0.3mg and increase as tolerated to 1-2 mg at night
- Vitamin D3 1000-4000 u/day (optimal dose unknown).
- Recovered patients who tested positive NOT REINFECTED
- UNCONFIRMED -- Patients who take HCQ for lupus don't get COVID
(note: this has been removed from most internet sites. We are providing links here for reference)- Referenced in Italian news site Il Tempo
- Archived google translate
Restated in Jerusalem Post interview (5/3)
- "Furthermore, Chiusolo told the Post, the Italian Society of Rheumatology interviewed 1,200 rheumatologists throughout Italy to collect statistics on contagions. Out of an audience of 65,000 chronic lupus and rheumatoid arthritis patients who systematically take hydroxychloroquine, only 20 patients tested positive for the virus."
What? CDC says COVID hospitalizations now like bad flu season?
- And this for children: 'For children (0-17 years), COVID-19 hospitalization rates are much lower than influenza hospitalization rates during recent influenza seasons."
- What about kids?
- COVID "1984"
- Free America NOW! -- new GF Facebook Page
April 28
(4/27) New York releases updated antibody test results
- 14.9% of state positive; 25% in NYC
- Tucker Carlson: coronavirus more widespread, less lethal (video)
- NYC ER doctor: time to open up
- Let healthy young Americans work
- Judge rules IL governor shutdown unconstitutional
- Ticker Guy lays out the FACTS (must read!)
- COVID "1984"
April 27
Shutdown is creating U.S. health emergency
- SCIENCE SAYS: It's time to end lockdowns
- More testing
- From across the pond...
- Why State Bankruptcy is BAD IDEA; end of federalism
- Interview with Stanford's John Ioannidis (subscription)
- Fauci linked to U.S. funding of China Wuhan lab
- Israel reopening after people protest, 20+% unemployment
- Economic Armageddon
- COVID "1984"
- Shout out to Scott Adams and his Dilbert cartoon, for standing firm against the FearDemic:
April 24
New tests show reduced COVID risk!
- NY Antibody test finds 21% prior infection rate in NYC, 13.9% statewide
- France Antibody test of school in Paris -- 25% prior infection rate; no deaths
Study: OUTDOORS is better than INDOORS:
"All identified outbreaks of three or more cases occurred in an indoor environment, which confirms that sharing indoor space is a major SARS-CoV-2 infection risk." - DHS Study: COVID struggles against higher temperatures, light, higher humidity (i.e. summer)
killed within 2 minutes on surfaces, 1.5 seconds in air in warm climates
- Grassfire Exclusive: CDC 2007 or 2017 guidelines did not include harsh lockdowns!
- Informative article on models and why antibody (seroprevelance) tests are essential
- No lockdown but Sweden "weeks" away from herd immunity
What? NYC pushed infected patients back into nursing homes!?
- COVID "1984"
- Trip down memory lane: builder of the flawed Imperial College model said bird flu could kill "up to around 200 million" (Sept. 2005). A few hundred died that year.
April 23
- More Evidence the lockdowns DON'T WORK. So let's stop them NOW!
FINALLY! "EMERGENCY MONEY FOR THE PEOPLE" -- $6K/mo for family of four!
- (OK, we DONT' think this is a good idea, but this is where the socialists want this to go...)
- Tucker Carlson exposes the scam of universities getting bailouts
- Economic Armageddon
FIRST COVID deaths in US earlier than we thought; likely way more infected and recovered
- more here
- What? 88% of those in NYC who end up on ventilators from COVID die
- 40% of NJ deaths from nursing homes
- Shock (not): your health is the biggest risk factor with COVID
- Obama Admin funded China lab bat virus studies
- COVID "1984"
April 22
- GRASSFIRE EXCLUSIVE: 30,000 FEWER DEATHS in America since March 1
- Analysis
- Testing/Studies
- Update on Colorado antibody testing -- 1-2% infected in rural town
- Italy: not one child under 10 got virus; Berenson tweet; research
- Analysis of effectiveness of school closures finds very inconclusive results (pdf here)
- Questioning the Lockdown
- More stimulus! $484 BILLION
- COVID - "1984)
- "Everyone must have the right to help a sick or even dying relative and to say goodbye to them" (German)
- FOXNews' John Roberts discusses lower infection fatality rate off camera (video)
- Tucker Carlson on the general consensus on stopping immigration:
April 21
- Brit Hume: Shutdown may be "Colossal Public Policy Calamity"
- Hume's interview with watchdog Alex Berenson (transcript)
CDC data confirms deaths OVERWHELMINGLY in older population, just .12% under 25
- NEW -- Grassfire summary of best recent testing results
- Sweden: why herd immunity matters
- Georgia/Tennessee announce plans to lift lockdown
- CDC encourages more padding of the numbers?
French study indicates infected child did not spread COVID to other kids, but did spread flu
- Study: "The fact that an infected child did not transmit the disease despite close interactions within schools suggests potential different transmission dynamics in children."
- COVID-"1984"
- Birx NERVOUSLY AVOIDS question on results of antibody studies:
April 20
- Facebook BLOCKING shutdown protest pages!
- New Santa Clara CA antibody test a GAME CHANGER!
- Finds 50x to 85x more COVID-19 cases than confirmed case-- fatality rate .12%-.2%
- Dr. John Ioannidis explains (Video)
- Dr. Jay Bhattacharya detailed interview:
- L.A. County antibody test: 28-55x more cases; .13%-.27% fatality rate
- Chelsea MA antibody test: 32% already have antibody and recovered, fatality rate of .3%
- Immunity testing results in Denmark (fatality rate .21%); Scotland, Finland lower
- Kansas county finds 4% infection rate
- Lockdown information
- COVID "1984"
- Dr. David Katz (Yale) editorial from 3/20. Video:
April 16
- They just moved the goalposts!!!
- PA gov says employees and customers must wear masks
- NY gov says everyone must wear masks
- Harvard elites: social distancing needed through 2022
- OH gov: "we've won the battle... monster still out there"
- VA gov extends business shutdown
- 1,897 deaths forecast on 3/31 thru August
- 1,188 now forecast
- 1,424 influenza deaths this year
- MLB part of major antibody testing
- Study: models way off
- Across the pond
Germany's Koch Institute estimates flu fatality rate at .5% ('17-18), .4% ('18-19)
- "However, the CFR [case fatality rate] of 0.2% currently measured for Germany is below the Robert Koch-Institute's (RKI) calculated influenza CFRs of 0.5% in 2017/18 and 0.4% in 2018/19, but above the widely accepted figure of 0.1% for which there is no reliable evidence."
- Israeli mathematician says COVID follows tight pattern and will stop in weeks
- Head of German study that found 14% prior infection rate and .37% fatality rate defends study (original in German)
- British pathology professor: "Where is the vigorous debate?'
- German doctor: we've converting pallative care patients into intensive care
Germany's Koch Institute estimates flu fatality rate at .5% ('17-18), .4% ('18-19)
- Then there's this chart showing nursing home deaths account for 42-57% of COVID deaths...
- FOX News: COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Lab:
April 15
- SHOCK: NYC RIGS COVID death count up MORE THAN 57% by retroactive accounting!!
- Should the person this released convict killed be counted as a COVID death?
Interesting study on the Diamond Princess
- Just 14% tested positive in a closed environment of primarily older people
- Asymptomatic cases on Diamond Princess were NEARLY 50% of the total
- NIH looking or volunteers for antibody testing
- A serious plan to LOCK IN nursing homes and stop this dangerous vector
- COVID "1984"
- Economic Armageddon
WSJ: Second Round of layoffs coming; 28m unemployed?
- Can't get thru the WSJ paywall? Go here
- Projection: Federal Deficit THIS YEAR will be $3.8 TRILLION (And we used to think Obama's $1T deficits were huuuuuge)
- Debt will eclipse WWII era debt (but this is happening during peacetime and prosperity)
WSJ: Second Round of layoffs coming; 28m unemployed?
Finally, we'd like to welcome Tucker Carlson to the COVID DARK WEB!
- Yesterday, FOXNews' Tucker Carlson "reported" on stuff we've been reporting on for weeks, namely that the actual COVID fatality rate is likely far lower than we've been told(sold) due to the likelihood of a large number of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic folks who already had the disease. No duh, Tucker! Maybe you should have known this a month ago when you personally visited President Trump to convince him to lock down the country. But we're not bitter. So to help Tucker out, here are some headlines he can cover in the coming weeks:
- This is NOT a general population pandemic
- They are rigging the death numbers to show more COVID deaths
- Lockdowns don't work. The R-naught rate was already declining before lockdowns, and lockdowns didn't improve things.
- "nosocomial." Look it up. It's the key to understanding this whole thing.
- It's probably not a coincidence that two China labs experimenting with "rat coronaviruses" were right next to that market
- There are no "non-essential" businesses; only central planning statists think that way
- We need antibody testing, not more testing
- Anyways, here's the video:
- Yesterday, FOXNews' Tucker Carlson "reported" on stuff we've been reporting on for weeks, namely that the actual COVID fatality rate is likely far lower than we've been told(sold) due to the likelihood of a large number of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic folks who already had the disease. No duh, Tucker! Maybe you should have known this a month ago when you personally visited President Trump to convince him to lock down the country. But we're not bitter. So to help Tucker out, here are some headlines he can cover in the coming weeks:
April 14
- MORE EVIDENCE lower fatality rate
- What? U.S. gave $3.7m to Wuhan Lab for Bat/coronavirus study?
- Hospitals and nursing homes have become "ground zero" for transmission
- Economic Ramifications
- COVID-"1984"
- CBS Paula Reid tries to challenge President Trump:
April 13
- Fauci Turns on the President?
- COVID-1984 Updates
- Google Apple tracking app: "If someone you had coffee with two days ago tests positive for the coronavirus, you would get a notification"
- Fauci says he "can't guarantee" will will be able to vote in person in November; wants immunity certificates
- KY police record license plates at Easter church service
- Michigan bans driving between two homes you own
- D.C.: shoppers must wear face masks in grocery stores, also tennis and golf banned
- NM gov closed gun stores and ranges
- MA-- $100 fine for walking in wrong direction
- MS -- Christians fined $500 for drive-in church
More on infection mortality rate MUCH LOWER than we've been told/sold
- GERMANY: antibody test reveals .37% fatality rate estimate
- DENMARK: antibody test reveals .16% fatality rate estimate
- Stanford Professor: under 65 death risk about same as driving a car 400 miles
- Austrian analysis: COVID death risk rates correspond to regular death risk rates
- Swiss professor: actually similar to other coronaviruses
- Professor Knut Wittkowski interview (video)
- More OVER 100 have died than under 30!
- Chicago Phlebotomist: 30-50% of patients already have antibody
Nursing homes a MAIN VECTOR of transmission and death
- 17% off all COVID deaths in NY state (just .5% of population)
- 48% of COVID deaths in Iowa (just .7% of population)
- 11% nationwide
- Feardemic/Lockdown crisis
- Featured Podcast: Dr. Zubin Damania "COVID Reality Check"
April 10
- BREAKING: Study estimates COVID-19 fatality rate at .37%
- CDC encourages FUDGING the COVID numbers?
- April 3 CDC memo: "Ideally, testing for COVID–19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty."
March 24 CDC memo:
- "the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID19 being the underlying cause more often than not."
- "COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death." (emphasis in original)
- Dr. Annie Bukacek (MD) explains how COVID-19 deaths may be being exaggerated (Video)
- #COVID-1984 updates:
- Police give citations for drive-in church (VIDEO)
- OBX homeowners BLOCKED from their property!
- Chicago mayor bans haircuts; gets her own haircut
- Surfer complains about ban on surfing: "load of horse*&%$" (VIDEO)
- Bill Gates: "mass gatherings... may not come back at all" (without vaccination) [VIDEO]
- AG Barr: restrictions represent "encroachment" on liberty
- Economic Feardemic:
- Models are BROKEN!
- OH lockdown actually came AFTER peak; lockdown didn't cause decline but Gov takes credit
- Gateway Pundit: "We want names" of the two "smart" people who predicted 2m deaths!
- Flu, covid and "flattening the curve"
- Army field hospital in Seattle closes after 9 days; saw NO PATIENTS
- Only 150 people in U.S. have died with confirmed NO pre-existing conditions
- Even in apocalyptic projections, COVID risk same as normal risk of dying in a year (analysis, article)
- Former NYT reporter dares to challenge Fear Media narrative
- WSJ Op Ed: "government needs to get out of the way and let the American people protect those vulnerable to the virus
HCQ updates:
- AG Barr: media "jihad" against Trump on HCQ
- INGRAHAM ANGLE exposes "media jihad" and talks with doctors who say it works:
April 9
- How the CDC and FDA wrecked the economy
- More on the need for Serosurveys (random surveys)
- Need to know how many infected in Gen Pop
- This analysis says only 12% of actual U.S. cases were reported as of March 31
- CO county has extensive antibody testing suggesting minimum .8% of gen pop infected, likely much more
- uropean study
- Wide, Wide range of projections
- GateWay Pundit features Grassfire on 15% DROP IN DEATHS IN MARCH
- Economic Apocalypse
- 80% on ventilators in NYC die
- CDC suddenly drops HCQ from COVID treatment guidance
- COVID-1984 Update
- UK considering restrictions on driving and exercise
- CA Sherriff: I can fine and arrest if you don't wear a mask
- Fauci-- don't shake hands ever again!
- NV gov threatens crackdown on large Easter family dinners!?
- Ankle monitors being REQUIRED for COVID positive and those in close contact
- Birx: WARNING! SECOND WAVE! (will we ever be let out of our homes?)
- NJ cops were requiring COVID-positive to post signs on their homes
- LA town broadcasts "Purge" alarm to enforce curfew:
Over-reporting of COVID-19 cases?
- MN state Senator and doctor says govt. saying to do so:
April 8
- Completely Fraudulent Fatality Timeline: 40 MILLION to 60k
- COVID-1984 Police State getting out of control:
- Paris bans daytime outdoor exercise?!
- CO man handcuffed in front of 6-year-old daughter at park
- Google's "Community Mobility Reports"
- Horowitz on the Police State: curfews, arresting for being in ocean alone and going for a drive; banning non-essential medical services, arrested
- Defense Sec: National Guard can be used to enforce lockdown (what about Posse Comitatus laws?)
- Obamacare architect: must stay locked down for 18 months until vaccine (video)
- Hydroxychloroquine Updates
- Doctors PUZZLE over COVID and possible different treatments
- hedge fund guy: "economy cannot crash 30% to save the .2%"
- Bill Bennett: A "smarter way"... sequestering the elderly, vulnerable, and test positives
- Fauci confirms virus hitting black community the hardest (video)
- Birx (unwittingly) admits OVERCOUNTING COVID deaths? ("we've taken a very liberal approach to mortality..."). Video: "If someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting":
April 7
- What? Total U.S. Deaths Down 10% in March
- Evidence global pandemic has PEAKED-- EXPERTS WRONG AGAIN
- As Grassfire reported yesterday, PROJECTION DATA WAY OFF
- Official model CUT PROJECTIONS IN HALF! What?
- Drop totals from 2.2m to 82k in 8 days
- CA # Infections more than a THOUSAND TIMES under projection
- Doomsday models predicted 80% infection rate. Reality much less
- Grassfire: Three reasons we must stop the shutdown (video)
- Economic Devastation
- Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
- Across the pond:
- More people in lockdown than were alive during WWII
- Many hospitals laying off employees because fewer patients
- Yale Doctor: "Where have all the heart attacks gone?"
- NYC overstating COVID deaths?
- What? 80% of COVID cases from Blue States?
- Trump COVID Derangement continues...
- Podcast: Proof forced mitigation doesn't work
April 6
- PROOF the models were way off! LOWEST projections of hospital beds needed TOO HIGH BY 300%; vents needs OFF BY 1,300%
- This is NOT a GENERAL POPULATION PANDEMIC! Analysis here. 25% of deaths from nursing homes
- If this is confirmed "What the hell are we locking down for?"
- Knut Wittowski for head of Rockefeller University's Epidemiology says lockdown counterproductive (video)
- More on the Swedish model
- Hospitals over-counting COVID deaths?
- One German state bucks the trend and determines ACTUAL CAUSE OF DEATH
- Indiana's mental health/suicide hotline calls up 2,500 PERCENT!
- "WE LOVE BIG BROTHER" (a stinging indictment to our willingness to yield or liberties)
- Billionaire hedge funder "beginning to get optimistic" mostly b/c asymptomatic rate may be "50x higher"
- Only 9 states don't have "stay home" (house arrest) orders
- More on the coming Pelosi COVID impeachment (FOX Business video)
- What? ABC asks Pence if he feels guilty before God for killing people...
April 4-5
- FoxNews: HALF of all cases have "NO SYMPTOMS
- This is NOT a GEN Pop Pandemic!
- EAD THIS for an excellent perspective on dangers of COVID-19
- BBC: understanding the death toll
- About those models...
- Pittsburgh professors say models "hiding infections in the future"
- Thorough analysis of the mortality rate
- New study: infection mortality rate in China actually .66%
- STUDY: 81% of cases in China "were classified as mild"
- STUDY: children "less likely to be symptomatic or develop severe symptoms"
- How long can an all-food economy sustain?
- Sweden stay open, "rest of world" is reckless!
- "Human beings do not have a limitless capacity for self-imprisonment"
- Citizen reporters: where is the rush on hospitals?
April 3
- New unemployment claims DOUBLE last week's record and double projections -- 6.6 MILLION!
- How bad is the economic crisis this is creating? REALLY BAD!
NYC Data Confirms COVID targets elderly, those with pre-existing conditions (Grassfire)
- 99% of COVID fatalities have pre-existing conditions (Gateway Pundit features Grassfire)
- Enough of the lies, folks!
- NYC report lists key high risk co-morbidities: Diabetes, Lung Disease, Cancer, Immunodeficiency, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma, Kidney Disease or Liver Disease
- Real number of infected in Italy est. TEN TIMES those reported
- Imperial College numbers (basis for our shutdown) "DON'T ADD UP"
- COVID costs: $34 TRILLION -- Gateway Pundit features Grassfire!
- British professor: "I view this Covid outbreak as akin to a bad winter influenza epidemic"
- Understanding the death toll... dying with or from COVID
- Pelosi creates "select committee" in prep for post COVID impeachment? Not again?!
- Smartphones, Armbands ready to be used to track COVID contacts!
- Facebook censors Project Veritas Virus Video (Watch video here)
- THIS GUY uses public information to connect dots from COVID-19 to research lab:
April 2
update on antibody testing
- FOX News says White House pursuing...
- Fauci says it's important but... later
- Goldman Sachs: 34% GDP plunge, 15% unemployment
- Hydroxy-Choloroquine Study "beginning of the end of the pandemic"
- China concealed extent of pandemic
- Sen. Ted Cruz raises questions of SOURCE of virus in China (video at 5:30)
- The deception of 2.2 million OR 200,000 deaths
- Why Bill Gates is wrong on all three points (Grassfire)
- U.S. to begin random testing by mid April
- "Utterly unreliable" is current mortality rate talk
- GRASSFIRE featured in Gateway Pundit article
- Texas Gov: Churches "essential service"
- Details on Texas church battle
- Dr. Jay Bhattacharaya of Stanford Univerisy:
- Is COVID-19 as deadly as they say? (WSJ Op-Ed)
- Plan to sample test
- Interview with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford Univeristy; suspects 6 million asymptomatic cases; wants random testing:
April 1
- BREAKING: GA town training 150 plain clothed "brownshirts" to enforce "stay home" order (read order here)
- Excellent Podcast Debate on whether shutdown measures have gone too far
- CDC data indicates 80,000 flu deaths THIS SEASON (GF exclusive)
- Perspective on the mapped COVID data (video)
- RESPONSE TO BIRX AND FAUCI: Counterfactual Coronavirus Nonsense
- Celebrity Culture is Burning
- Why reporting "positives" is deceptive
- Europe's overall total mortality not yet impacted by COVID-19
- Coronavirus disease 2019: the harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures (Paper by John Ioannidis)
- Dr. Birx connected to Clinton Foundation
- More on Chinese bat experiments here and Tucker Carlson below:
March 31
- SHOCK: 47 MILLION lost jobs? (report from U.S. Federal Reserve, St. Louis)
Inaccurate Virus Models Are Causing Panic!
(COVID Act is founded by Democrat activists, based on extreme U.K. Imperial model, and followed by state leaders) - D.C. Mayor threatens 90 days in jail for breaking "stay home" order
- VA lockdown until... JUNE 10th!!! (with 1k cases and 25 deaths...)
- Imperial model "flawed"
U.S. COVID modeling website presents projections SO WIDE they are meaningless
(For example, projects VA deaths from 267 to 5,338 by July 11... Govts. relying on this BS; see your state's huge range -
Breakthrough 15-minute COVID "antibody" test could be game changer!
Determines if you in the past had COVID; can help measure how many asymptomatic cases - Report: Chinese researchers isolated deadly bat coronavirus 3 miles from outbreak
- Tampa pastor arrested for holding services
- Europe mortality report: "no increased mortality is observed in the reported mortality figures"
- One American citizen's proposed "address" to the American people
- Fauci confirms (video) this will be seasonal (but could it be worse because of next fall's flu season?)
March 30
- Suicides outpace COVID deaths in Tennessee
- Pelosi accuses Trump of "deadly" denial; "as the president fiddles, people are dying"; threatens "after action review (ie. endless impeachment)
- One doctor's 100% success rate treatment from COVID-19
Fauci now predicts 100k-200k U.S. deaths, down from up to 2.2 million?
(which only proves U.S. relied on U.K.'s Imperial College model) - "The Great Madness" (commentary)
- (NEW) GRASSFIRE CHART: Hospitalization Fatality Rates
CURRENT U.S. Case Fatality Rate is 1.75%
(updates from across the pond...) - "The Great Panic Is Foolish"
- UK death toll predictions go from 500,000, to 20,000, to 5,700, to...
- UK professor behind key prediction model questioned for past work
- German virology expert: 99.5% have "no or mild symptoms;" shutdown "grotesque, absurd and very dangerous"
- German epidemiologist: Protect risk groups, don't lock down everyone
- Iceland testing: 1% of random sample infected; HALF of infected show little or no symptoms
- ENTIRE TOWN in Italy tested; just 3% positive
- (Video) British police using LOUDSPEAKER DRONES to get people off streets
March 29
- Feds using phone data to track COVID-19 (hat tip: Gateway Pundit)
- French study: COVID-19 has similar mortality rate as other coronaviruses
- FOX Business CANS Trish Regan after she called out political nature of anti-Trump virus attacks
- Open letter to German Chancellor raises key questions
- Increase in CASES primarily due to increase in TESTING (Report from Germany)
U.S. Data confirms that increase in cases primarily due to increase in testing
(14-day increase in TESTS: 3,565%; in CASES: 4,083%) - Are hospitals the real spread vector?
- "Once in a century evidence fiasco"; Interview with Stanford University's Dr. John Ioannidis on major gaps in data and the impact:
March 28
Is the Coronavirus as deadly as they say? (WSJ)
"Fatality rate may be too high by orders of magnitude" -- Stanford Health Policy experts - More on Gov. Cuomo saying shutdown a bad strategy
- Fed stimulus bill actually $6 TRILLION through Fed manipulations!
- STUDY: COVID-19 may attack male testicles, testosterone, reproduction?!
- Perspective on Corona Panic
- Stanford testing: 20% of COVID patients also testing postive for flu and other viruses
- Seeing through the hospital overload scaremongering
- Fox's Laura Ingraham touches "third rail" of COVID issue, says mortality rate MUCH LOWER than reporting:
March 27
- A reasoned proposal
- Dr. Birx says DEATH PREDICTIONS WILDLY OFF: "The predictions of the models don't match the reality on the ground." Translation: Not enough people are dying to fit the models! So either WAY MORE people have the virus and aren't really affected (which drops the mortality rate to something like seasonal flu), or it's not as "viral" as they thought. (We suspect way more already infected with no or little symptoms.):
- More on Birx saying death toll predictions way off
- More on Dr. Fauci's admission that mortality rate is more like bad seasonal flu (.1%)
- Virus facts: no deaths under age 14 worldwide; 1% of deaths under age 50
- COVID Fears may be due to how we are tracking virus differently than others
- 3,000 every week die of flu/pneumonia. Nobody's shocked.
- Cuomo: maybe quarantining everyone wasn't a good idea (Really? How about a more targeted approach?)
Economic Impact:
- 3 million jobless claims
- $2.2 Trillion spending bill will pay millions of unemployed MORE than they made at job!
March 26
- BREAKING: Fauci: COVID-19 impact "akin" to "severe seasonal influenza" (New England Journal Of Medicine)
- Inaccurate models are panicking leaders (Hat tip, WND)
U.S. flu-like illnesses BELOW EXPECTED NORM despite COVID-19 being in country for weeks.
- British projected death total DOWNGRADED...
- And three-fourths would have died this year anyways!
- Sweden shows the way! (no curfews or lockdowns)
- Even in Germany, they're questioning the legality of lockdowns
- Models based on wrong assumptions
March 25
- Coronavirus may have infected half of UK population (Financial Times)
- Joe Biden inane tweet that all this is worth one life
- Italian authority says "one certified case out of 10," meaning likely mortality rate much lower
- Liberty Counsel LEGAL BULLETIN on your rights in a state of emergency
- 99% deaths in Italy had other illnesses
- The UK has removed Covid19 from the official list of High Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCID)
- Swiss infectious disease specialist says young not at risk, leave them in school, let them become immune
- WHO: "influenza can spread faster than COVID-19"
- Lockdown can wait: Sweden goes its own way
- Case fatality rate similar to flu
- Contrarian Analysis: Less than 50,000 deaths worldwide
- Stanford biophysicist predicts "we're going to be fine"
- Evidence Over Hysteria (this post was removed by Medium website and reposted)
- Study: 86% in Wuhan who had COVID-19 were never tested
- Dr. Berx points to lower mortality rate:
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