Americans should be outraged! Grassfire wants to make sure you know what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been up to over the past week. During a CNN interview on Sunday, she ridiculously compared President Trump to the Roman emperor Nero, saying: "As the President fiddles, people are dying."
That same day, the Speaker also hinted that the COVID-19 is grounds for yet another impeachment! Just four days later, on Thursday, she announced that Democrats are forming a select House committee to "review" the Trump administration's response to the outbreak.
In the midst of a national crisis, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has launched ANOTHER Witch Hunt against America's Commander-in-Chief! If it wasn't so outrageous, it would be sad. "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is real. The Left will NEVER stop attacking this President.
In January, Mr. Trump formed a Coronavirus Response Team while House Democrats were wasting their time, effort and taxpayers' money by impeaching him. The Left screamed "Racism!" and "Discrimination!" when he suspended flights from China and other nations to slow the spread of the "Wuhan Virus." This week, models indicate the actions of the Trump administration may have saved more than two million American lives.
And what's the radical Democrats' response to all this? The same as it's been since the President took office: "IMPEACH HIM!!!"
Make no mistake. The sickness, death and financial ruin that has infected the entire world over the past few months is ALL CHINA'S FAULT. Trying to blame the President is nothing more than spreading propaganda on behalf of the communist Chinese government.
Pelosi and her ilk should be ashamed of themselves, and the American people should call them out for it! If you're sick of the Speaker's despicable attacks, Grassfire can empower YOU to send a clear message to your members of Congress, key House leaders and PELOSI HERSELF. Click here or on the banner below now to schedule your "PELOSI OUTRAGE" FAXES for immedate delivery on Capitol Hill:
(Not a monthly member? Go here to send this fax at 80% discount.)
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Even in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, Nancy Pelosi STILL can't manage to put aside her hyper-partisan, anti-American hate for President Trump. Ten million Americans have been thrown out of work by panicked, nationwide shutdowns. The federal government voted last week to spend more than $2 TRILLION to help. A third Witch Hunt against this President is NOT what our country needs right now!
Finally, we DISCOUNTED this FaxFire to encourage more team members to take action. Please consider expanding your impact to reach additional members of Congress with LEVEL TWO or LEVEL THREE faxes. Go here to take immediate action.
Thanks, in advance, for taking a stand.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Tell the Speaker what you think with Grassfire's "PELOSI OUTRAGE" FAXFIRE. Send a personalized message directly to her office, to your congressional delegation and to other key lawmakers on Capitol Hill. If you're sick of her despicable attacks against President Trump, click here or on the banner below now to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery:
Main page • "CounterDrudge" Headlines • Cost Analysis • Alternative View
Today's headlines:
- New unemployment claims DOUBLE last week's record and double projections -- 6.6 MILLION!
- How bad is the economic crisis this is creating? REALLY BAD!
NYC Data Confirms COVID targets elderly, those with pre-existing conditions (Grassfire)
- 99% of COVID fatalities have pre-existing conditions (Gateway Pundit features Grassfire)
- Enough of the lies, folks!
- NYC report lists key high risk co-morbidities: Diabetes, Lung Disease, Cancer, Immunodeficiency, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma, Kidney Disease or Liver Disease
- Real number of infected in Italy est. TEN TIMES those reported
- Imperial College numbers (basis for our shutdown) "DON'T ADD UP"
- COVID costs: $34 TRILLION -- Gateway Pundit features Grassfire!
- British professor: "I view this Covid outbreak as akin to a bad winter influenza epidemic"
- Understanding the death toll... dying with or from COVID
- Pelosi creates "select committee" in prep for post COVID impeachment? Not again?!
- Smartphones, Armbands ready to be used to track COVID contacts!
- Facebook censors Project Veritas Virus Video (Watch video here)
- THIS GUY uses public information to connect dots from COVID-19 to research lab (video).
Other resources:
- Current U.S. Case Fatality Rate
- Coronavirus Survey
- "Get America Working Again" Petition
- Click here to access additional COVID-19 content.
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