Resistance to mandatory stay-at-home orders appears to be building in several states. Last week, Minnesota's top-ranking Republican state legislator criticized the Democrat governor's order to extend the North Star State's shutdown until May 4. As of this past Friday, Minnesota's population of 5.6 million saw 145 patients hospitalized and 50 deaths from COVID-19. The median age of those who died was 87 years old.
In Texas, FOX News reports that Gov. Gregg Abbott (R) "plans to sign an executive order [this] week outlining guidelines for how businesses in the state can start to reopen after being shut down over coronavirus." Also on Friday, Abbott insisted at a news conference that ending the Lone Star State's economic lockdown will be done safely, adding: "We will focus on protecting lives while restoring livelihoods. We can and we must do this."
Grassfire wants to know if our team members think it's time to get America working again. Please take a moment to let us know where you stand by voting in our one-question "Reopen America?" QuickPoll.
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For liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. QuickPolls are not scientific, nor do they endorse a specific candidate or position. Grassfire polls are for informational purposes only. Click here to view this message on our website. See below for today's CounterDrudge headlines from our Coronavirus Resource Center.
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Today's Coronavirus Headlines and COUNTERDRUDGE links:
April 13
- Fauci Turns on the President?
- COVID-1984 Updates
- Google Apple tracking app: "If someone you had coffee with two days ago tests positive for the coronavirus, you would get a notification"
- Fauci says he "can't guarantee" will will be able to vote in person in November; wants immunity certificates
- KY police record license plates at Easter church service
- Michigan bans driving between two homes you own
- D.C.: shoppers must wear face masks in grocery stores, also tennis and golf banned
- NM gov closed gun stores and ranges
- MA-- $100 fine for walking in wrong direction
- MS -- Christians fined $500 for drive-in church
More on infection mortality rate MUCH LOWER than we've been told/sold
- GERMANY: antibody test reveals .37% fatality rate estimate
- DENMARK: antibody test reveals .16% fatality rate estimate
- Stanford Professor: under 65 death risk about same as driving a car 400 miles
- Austrian analysis: COVID death risk rates correspond to regular death risk rates
- Swiss professor: actually similar to other coronaviruses
- Professor Knut Wittkowski interview (video)
- More OVER 100 have died than under 30!
- Chicago Phlebotomist: 30-50% of patients already have antibody
Nursing homes a MAIN VECTOR of transmission and death
- 17% off all COVID deaths in NY state (just .5% of population)
- 48% of COVID deaths in Iowa (just .7% of population)
- 11% nationwide
- Feardemic/Lockdown crisis
- Featured Podcast: Dr. Zubin Damania "COVID Reality Check"
Other resources:
- Coronavirus home page
- "CounterDrudge" Headlines
- Cost Analysis
- Alternative View
- Current U.S. Case Fatality Rate
- Coronavirus Survey
- "Get America Working Again!" Petition
- "Get America Working Again!" FaxFire
- Today's CounterDrudge video
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