Health Researcher: "No Evidence" The Jab Helps Kids... Fax D.C. Now!
Since the FEARdemic began in early 2020, Grassfire has been reporting on COVID hysteria and tyranny by radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left, FAKE NEWS media and the Biden Regime. According to the CDC's own data, COVID has claimed the lives of 1,314 children since January 2020. Coronavirus deaths account for only 1.4% of all juvenile fatalities (95,987) over the past 34 months. The UK's Daily Mail reports:
Children are typically at much lower risk of becoming severely ill with Covid-19 compared to older adults and have so far not been prioritized for vaccines. The relatively low risk that Covid-19 poses to children has convinced some infectious disease experts that vaccines are not necessary to protect otherwise healthy kids. Vaccine makers have not yet presented extensive real world evidence pointing to how well the pediatric shots perform.
The British media outlet also quotes a hematologist, oncologist and health researcher at the University of California San Francisco who says there's "no convincing evidence [the vaccine] helps the 86% of kids who already had COVID" and "no evidence it will help kids... against whatever new strain comes."
These facts are what makes this week's 15-0 decision by the CDC so ridiculous and outrageous. Adding the COVID "jab" to their Childhood Vaccination Schedule is ill-informed, unscientific and downright shocking. Whether you're outraged or fully support the possibility of jab mandates for children, we want to empower you to make your voice heard using Grassfire's "Protect Our Kids?" FlashPoll.
Yesterday, we shared how Tucker Carlson EXPOSED the lie that the CDC's immunization schedule is only a "recommendation" and not a requirement. On Wednesday's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," he explained:
"If that vote passes, children will be forced to take the shot -- the shot they do not need, no scientific basis for acquiring it and the shot that could hurt them. They have to take that shot in order to be educated in the United States in a public school. ... More than a dozen states follow the CDC's immunization schedule to set vaccination requirements, not suggestions, REQUIREMENTS for children to be educated." (Watch the segment here.)
+ + Vote In Grassfire's "Protect Our Kids!" FlashPoll Now.
Do you think the CDC vote today was ill-informed, unscientific and downright shocking? Are you outraged by or accepting of the possibility of jab mandates for children? Please let us know where you stand by taking our "Protect Our Kids?" FlashPoll above now.
After voting, please forward this message to your friends and family members so they can vote, too. Grassfire staff will share the results of this one-question survey when it reaches 10,000 votes. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. We support everyone's right to make their own vaccine decisions, but jab mandates -- especially for kids -- are unacceptable and un-American. Please note that Grassfire polls are not scientific, nor are they meant to endorse a specific candidate or position. They're for informational purposes only.
Click here for complete coverage of the Biden CDC's COVID-tyranny vote in the GrassfireVIP News Digest.
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths by Sex and Age (CDC)
CDC Votes To Add COVID-19 Vaccines To Childhood Immunization Schedule (ZeroHedge)
@TuckerCarlson (Twitter)
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