Former leaders at the highest levels of the social-media platform LIED FOR YEARS about shadow banning, limiting, and even blacklisting facts, information and opinions they disagreed with or simply didn't like.
Grassfire's Liberty News team has complete coverage this morning on Twitter's outrageous and egregious acts. Instantly access one of the nation's leading aggregate news websites for "America First" patriots by clicking here.
+ + Tell Big Tech And The Woke Left: "Don't Tread On Me"!
In response to the unprecedented tyranny of Big Tech, the radical, unhinged Left and the Biden regime, Grassfire wants to empower our team members to push back by flying "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden flags. Support our grassroots efforts with a contribution of $20, $40 or more, and fly the banner the "woke mob" hates the most.
Please help Grassfire empower our team members to fight the tyranny and failures of the Biden regime and their Big Tech allies. In appreciation for your contribution of $20 or more, you'll receive one 3' x 5' Gadsden flag. Contribute $40 or more, and we'll send you THREE! That's like getting an extra flag FREE!
+ + Fight Back Against Biden Regime Tyranny With Our Gadsden Flags!
Despite what the woke Left tries to tell you, "Don't Tread On Me" represents an important part of our nation's story of independence. Designed by patriots Gen. Christopher Gadsden and Benjamin Franklin, the "Don't Tread On Me" flag was used by the Continental Marines during the Revolutionary War.
This bold banner of American freedom quickly became a symbol of independence and resistance against British tyranny. Because today's radical, unhinged Left REJECTS our history and wants to shame patriots into silence, they attack the very symbols of liberty -- our flags, our founding documents and more!
Grassfire REJECTS THE WOKE MOB and the "Hate America" agenda of the Biden Regime! Our mission is to empower all who stand against tyranny. To those who want to destroy our liberties and our way of life, tell them: "DON'T TREAD ON ME!"
Patriotic Americans, like you, didn't start this battle to destroy our nation, but they must not let go of this fight! Click here to reserve your flags now, and display them proudly in your community. Please take action today to help Grassfire build for the battles ahead. Thanks, in advance, for your support.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. In times like these, it would be great to have a Rolodex of deep-pocket donors, angel investors or wealthy benefactors to contact directly for help. Instead, Grassfire relies on the generosity of team members, like you, to underwrite our grassroots efforts. That's why we offer inspiring, patriotic products like our 3' x 5' "Don't Tread On Me!" Gadsden flags. Please consider taking a bold stand for liberty today by supporting Grassfire with $20, $40 or more and receive these bold, anti-tyranny banners as our gift. Go here:
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