Grassfire received an urgent email just a short time ago from the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The subject line was "Surreal Democratic Behavior", and the first two sentences told us why:
"The Senate just completed its pro forma session and adjourned, with Democrats still blocking a straight increase to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). With this, the Paycheck Protection Program has exhausted its originally allocated funds and the PPP is now unable to continue offering a lifeline to America’s Small Businesses" (emphasis theirs).
The email also noted that 20 million Americans have lost their jobs in the past month. On the Senate floor today, McConnell blasted obstructionists on the Left: "Americans need Democrats to stop blocking emergency paycheck money and let this job-saving program reopen."
Also, in separate emails we received after 9:00 p.m. ET last night, both McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCathy (R-CA) blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for what they called "continued Democratic obstruction." Their joint statement read, in part: "Even as the program is saving millions of American jobs, Speaker Pelosi has said she sees 'no data as to why we need' to keep funding it.
As if Pelosi's despicable attacks against President Trump weren't enough, now she's knowingly and willingly failing the American people in the midst of a national crisis!
Yesterday, Grassfire showed you how the Speaker used Easter as a catapult for lies and smears against our Commander-in-Chief. (See below.) For just $15, you can fax Pelosi and your congressional delegation, along with House and Senate leaders in Washington, D.C.
Again, if you missed yesterday's message refuting Speaker Pelosi's blatant lies and smears against President Trump, we've included it below. If you have read that update, please forward this email to family and friends. Ask them to stand with you by faxing now and calling for an end to these despicable attacks during a national crisis. Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
+ + + + + + + +
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) launched another despicable attack against President Trump. What makes this verbal assault worse than her other recent ones is how she used Easter Weekend, the holiest days of the Christian faith, as a catapult for her lies and smears against America's Commander-in-Chief.
Pelosi has repeatedly announced to the world that she's a Catholic, even though her abortion-on-demand policies (and other far-Left ideologies) are in total disagreement with the Church's teachings on the sanctity of life. Her latest salvo against the President came via a press release yesterday. It reads, in part:
This Easter Weekend provided me with a time for deeper prayer and reflection. ... To succeed in this crisis, we must insist on the truth, and we must act upon it!
- The truth is that Donald Trump dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster.
- The truth is that in January Donald Trump was warned about this pandemic, ignored those warnings, took insufficient action and caused unnecessary death and disaster.
- The truth is that Donald Trump told his most loyal followers that the pandemic was a hoax and that it would magically disappear, thus endangering lives and paving the way for economic disaster.
There's much more to Pelosi's fantasy-filled tirade against Mr. Trump, but we simply don't have the time and space to address every falsehood contained in it. (You can read the entire press release here.) But Grassfire wants to refute the first three Pelosi lies.
- First, it was the Obama-Biden administration that failed to replenish the emergency stockpile of respirators and other medical supplies after the Swine Flu outbreak in 2009. Numerous fact checks, including this one from USA Today, show that the Speaker's wrong.
- Second, on January 29, President Trump formed the Coronavirus Task Force to deal with the impending threat of the "Wuhan Virus" (as it was first called). He did that one day BEFORE the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus outbreak "a global health emergency" on January 30. One day LATER, on January 31, Mr. Trump imposed travel restrictions on people entering the U.S. from China. Pelosi and other Democrats called those travel restrictions -- and later ones for other countries -- racist, xenophobic, "outrageous, un-American... [and] discrimination disguised as policy."
- Third, the President NEVER called the pandemic a hoax. Numerous fact checkers, including the far-left Washington Post, have debunked that tired claim by Pelosi and her minions. In fact, as late as February 24, the Speaker was endangering her constituents by encouraging them to join her at a mass gathering in San Francisco. In a television interview, the Speaker encouraged people to: "Come to Chinatown. Here we are. We’re careful, safe. ... Come join us."
Make no mistake. The sickness, death and financial ruin that has infected the entire world over the past few months is ALL CHINA'S FAULT. Trying to blame the President is nothing more than spreading propaganda on behalf of the communist Chinese government.
Speaker Pelosi and her ilk should be ashamed of themselves, and the American people should call them out for it! If you're sick of these despicable attacks against President Trump, Grassfire is empowering YOU to send a clear message to your members of Congress, key House leaders and the Speaker herself. Click here or on the banner below now to schedule your "PELOSI OUTRAGE" FAXES for immediate delivery on Capitol Hill:
(Not a monthly member? Go here to send this fax at 80% discount.)
(Having trouble accessing your benefits? Go here.)
Even in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, Nancy Pelosi STILL can't manage to put aside her hyper-partisan, anti-American hate for President Trump. Thousands of people have died. Millions Americans have been thrown out of work by panicked, nationwide shutdowns. One of the most robust economies in U.S. history has been devastated. But the Speaker's only solution is to attack America's Commander-in-Chief with blatant lies and smears.
Pelosi even delayed last month's $2.2 TRILLION bipartisan, government bailout by a full week. She tried to add a laundry list of ridiculous demands that had nothing to with fighting the coronavirus. Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) called it a "Disney World wish list" for far-left Democrat policies. The Speaker has no leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing Mr. Trump for "causing the suffering of countless Americans."
Finally, we DISCOUNTED this FaxFire to encourage more team members to take action. Please consider expanding your impact to reach additional members of Congress with LEVEL TWO or LEVEL THREE faxes. Go here to take immediate action.
Thanks, in advance, for taking a stand.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Tell the Speaker what you think with Grassfire's "PELOSI OUTRAGE" FAXFIRE. Send a personalized message directly to her office, to your congressional delegation and to other key lawmakers on Capitol Hill. If you're sick of her despicable attacks against President Trump, click here or on the banner below now to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery:
Main page • "CounterDrudge" Headlines • Cost Analysis • Alternative View
April 15
- SHOCK: NYC RIGS COVID death count up MORE THAN 57% by retroactive accounting!!
- Should the person this released convict killed be counted as a COVID death?
Interesting study on the Diamond Princess
- Just 14% tested positive in a closed environment of primarily older people
- Asymptomatic cases on Diamond Princess were NEARLY 50% of the total
- NIH looking or volunteers for antibody testing
- A serious plan to LOCK IN nursing homes and stop this dangerous vector
- COVID "1984"
- Economic Armageddon
WSJ: Second Round of layoffs coming; 28m unemployed?
- Can't get thru the WSJ paywall? Go here
- Projection: Federal Deficit THIS YEAR will be $3.8 TRILLION (And we used to think Obama's $1T deficits were huuuuuge)
- Debt will eclipse WWII era debt (but this is happening during peacetime and prosperity)
WSJ: Second Round of layoffs coming; 28m unemployed?
Finally, we'd like to welcome Tucker Carlson to the COVID DARK WEB!
- Yesterday, FOXNews' Tucker Carlson "reported" on stuff we've been reporting on for weeks, namely that the actual COVID fatality rate is likely far lower than we've been told(sold) due to the likelihood of a large number of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic folks who already had the disease. No duh, Tucker! Maybe you should have known this a month ago when you personally visited President Trump to convince him to lock down the country. But we're not bitter. So to help Tucker out, here are some headlines he can cover in the coming weeks:
- This is NOT a general population pandemic
- They are rigging the death numbers to show more COVID deaths
- Lockdowns don't work. The R-naught rate was already declining before lockdowns, and lockdowns didn't improve things.
- "nosocomial." Look it up. It's the key to understanding this whole thing.
- It's probably not a coincidence that two China labs experimenting with "rat coronaviruses" were right next to that market
- There are no "non-essential" businesses; only central planning statists think that way
- We need antibody testing, not more testing
- Anyways, click here for the video.
- Yesterday, FOXNews' Tucker Carlson "reported" on stuff we've been reporting on for weeks, namely that the actual COVID fatality rate is likely far lower than we've been told(sold) due to the likelihood of a large number of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic folks who already had the disease. No duh, Tucker! Maybe you should have known this a month ago when you personally visited President Trump to convince him to lock down the country. But we're not bitter. So to help Tucker out, here are some headlines he can cover in the coming weeks:
- Other resources:
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