TAKE ACTION NOW: Demand The GOP End Joe Biden's Anti-MAGA Attacks!
With a midterm shellacking of Democrats imminent, Joe Biden unleashed another MAGA-hate speech on Wednesday night. Tucker Carlson of FOX News called the "Divider-in-Chief's" address to the nation "demented" and "desperate," adding:
"No group in American history has done a worse job running this country than the neo-liberals currently in charge. They're vicious; they're intolerant; and they are utterly corrupt. But, above all, they are incompetent. In less two years, it is not an overstatement to say, they have run this country into the ground: wrecking our economy, desecrating our military and opening the borders of the United States to more than five million lawbreakers. ... In a country with democratic elections, how could this party stay in power?"
Carlson continued by calling Biden's speech "very weird." He insisted the leader of the party about to "suffer overwhelming losses in the midterm elections" is "commanding you not to complain about the election results." The top-rated cable-news host also said Joe Biden could have given a speech about how his policies have made Americans' lives better. With six days left until the midterms, he could have "made a pitch for your vote based on what he has done," but that's not what he did:
"Instead, Biden commanded you to accept the election results, whenever they arrive, no matter what they may be. It was bizarre." (Watch the entire segment by clicking here.)
Since January 2021, the Biden Regime has devastated this country. America is a shadow of what it was under President Trump due to Joe Biden's and the radical, unhinged Left's policies on government spending, inflation, energy independence, foreign affairs (Ukraine), COVID tyranny and the LGBTQ agenda -- just to name a few.
Based on their performance over the past 21 months, do you think the Democrat party should control the levers of power in Washington, D.C.? Does the "Divider-in-Chief" himself even deserve to continue as America's "Commander-in-Chief"?
You can make your voice heard in the halls of Congress today by demanding Republicans in the House and Senate call for Mr. Biden's impeachment, resignation or removal from office. Click here or on the banner below now to instantly fax up to 40 GOP Senators and 12 Republican Representatives for only $30:
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For Grassfire's complete analysis of Joe Biden's latest MAGA-hate speech, please see last night's update here. Or send your personalized "Joe Must Go!" message to Capitol Hill now, demanding the "Divider-in-Chief's" impeachment, resignation or removal from office.
Do you agree with Tucker Carlson? If so, you can click here to instantly fax key Republicans in the House and Senate now. Thanks, in advance, for taking immediate action this morning.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. If you can, please go the "extra mile" and choose LEVEL TWO faxes. You can reach an additional 45 Democrat Senators for just $50. That's a total of up to 97 faxes at a 48% discount! Fight against Joe Biden's MAGA hate by clicking here or on the banner below now. INSTANTLY fax 40 GOP Senators and a dozen Republican Reps with your personalized "Joe Must Go!" message:
P.P.S. Click here for a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information. Read more about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.
Tucker Carlson: The left has run this country into the ground (FOX News via YouTube)
President Biden Remarks on Democracy and Midterm Elections (C-SPAN)
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