BREAKING: Immediate action needed to stop the Biden regime's attacks on President Trump and MAGA patriots!

President Trump came out swinging against Joe Biden and last night's MAGA hate speech. In separate Truth Social posts, he described the so-called "Commander-in-Chief" as "insane," "awkward" and "angry." America's 45th president also insisted that Mr. Biden "threatened America, including with the possible use of military force."

Mr. Trump added that our nation's Divider-in-Chief certainly doesn't understand the acronym he's trying to turn into a slur against tens of millions of "America First" patriots:

Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If he doesn't want to Make America Great Again, which through words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should not be representing the United States of America!

Last night's speech by "Dark" Joe Biden was perhaps the worst attack yet against President Trump and millions of "America First" patriots. The radical, unhinged Left has been ramping up their vitriolic and divisive talking points now that the midterm election is only about two months away.

Discussions regarding "if" Mr. Trump will be indicted have transitioned to "when" it will happen. The "War on Trump" continues with no end in sight. It's time for Republicans in the House and Senate to put a stop to it. Take action now using Grassfire's "Stop Trump Attacks!" FaxFire.

Click here or on the banner below to instantly reach up to 40 Republican Senators and a dozen Representatives on Capitol Hill. Demand they take immediate action to stop Joe Biden's -- and his fascist regime's -- continued attacks against President Trump and "America First" patriots:

As we mentioned in this morning's update (click here), Mr. Biden and his ilk previewed what's in store for MAGA and Donald Trump. Listen to them. Believe them. Then, click here to demand GOP Senators and Representatives stop them.

Can't send faxes today? If you haven't already, please consider signing the national petition to "Stop Trump Attacks!" Click here to make your voice heard by adding your name now. Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.

Standing for life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. If you missed our previous email about Joe Biden's horrible "Soul of the Nation" speech, click here to read it now. Find out why it was, very likely, the most vile, un-American speech ever uttered by a U.S. president. Fight AGAINST the Biden regime and FOR President Trump by clicking here or on the banner below to INSTANTLY fax 40 GOP Senators and a dozen Republican Reps. Demand they "STOP TRUMP ATTACKS!" now:


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