The radical, unhinged Left HATES the "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden Flag! Why? Because it symbolizes America's fight against tyranny -- a struggle that continues under the Biden regime.
Of course, that's not what the "Hate America" crowd will tell you. The Woke Mob tries to paint the "Don't Tread On Me" flag in a negative light.
That's why Grassfire wants you to know the REAL history of this uniquely American banner. The Gadsden flag represents an important part of our great nation's independence, which EVERY patriot should know.
"Don't Tread On Me" was created by patriot Christopher Gadsden, with Benjamin Franklin's help, around the start of the Revolutionary War. Here's what Franklin said about the rattlesnake as a uniquely American symbol:
"(S)he has no eye-lids. She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance. She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. ... The Rattle-Snake is solitary, and associates with her kind only when it is necessary for their preservation."
This bold flag of American freedom was used by the Continental Marines and quickly became a symbol of independence and resistance against tyranny. Of course, the radical, unhinged Left REJECTS our history and wants to shame patriots into silence. So they attack the very symbols of liberty.
You can REJECT THE WOKE, ANTI-AMERICAN RADICALS who want to rewrite our history! Stand against tyranny and say to those who want to destroy our liberties and our way of life: DON'T TREAD ON ME!
"America First" didn't start this battle to destroy our nation. But like the rattlesnake, TRUE PATRIOTS WILL NOT LET GO OF THIS FIGHT!
+ + Tell The Woke Mob: "Don't Tread On Me"!
Recently, Grassfire secured a limited quantity of "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden flags and made them available to our team members. They were so popular that we quickly SOLD OUT of our entire stock. The good news is that another order will arrive in our warehouse soon.
If you can support Grassfire with a contribution of just $20 or more to help us build, we'll send you one 3' x 5' "Don't Tread On Me" flag. Better yet, if you can help Grassfire with $40 or more, WE'LL SEND YOU THREE! That's like getting an extra flag absolutely FREE! Plus, we'll cover the shipping. Go here to request your "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden flag(s) now:
We don't know about you, but most "America First" patriots are sick and tired of the Woke Mob dictating the terms of the debate. Their first step ALWAYS is to re-write our history. As George Orwell wrote in 1984, "Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
The "Hate America" crowd has attacked the "Don't Tread On Me" flag as a means to control the past and shame people into silence. It's time to take a stand!
Tell the radical, unhinged Left: "DON'T TREAD ON US!" Order your flags today and display them proudly in your community. Thank you, in advance, for your generous support.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Every month, we need our team members' financial support to keep this "lamp of liberty" burning! Grassfire reaches HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of patriots daily. But without your help, we can't grow and reach even more people. If you can, order three "Don't Tread On Me" flags today for $40. You'll stand with Grassfire AND make a bold statement for liberty in your community. Go here:
The Rattle-Snake As A Symbol Of America (American Heritage)
George Orwell Quotes (GoodReads·com)
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