A short time before 127 GOP Representatives and 37 Republican Senators voted "Yes" on ANOTHER horrible continuing resolution (CR) earlier this month, Steve Bannon issued a warning to members of the "Grand Old Party." Here's what he said November 13 on his "War Room" podcast:

"This is for all the pencil-neck members of the Republican House. Stop being petrified of the mainstream media. Stop being petrified by the Uni-Party. ... Get out of the fetal position. Kick off the sheets, and let's be big boys and girls."

Like millions of America First patriots, Bannon is tired of the Republican controlled House colluding with the D.C. Uni-Party to bankroll the spending priorities or Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. This month's CR was only the latest cave by weak-kneed Republicans to the "Establishment" RINOs and radical Democrats in the D.C. Uni-Party.

Are you fed up with corrupt, unconstitutional, business-as-usual governing by failed, useless lawmakers who refuse to reduce spending, tackle America's national-debt crisis, secure the border, strengthen our military, stand for freedom and protect children and the unborn from the radical, unhinged Left's woke ideology?

+ + Vote Now In Our "Is The GOP Failing?" QuickPoll!

Please let us know where you stand by voting in Grassfire's "Is The GOP Failing?" QuickPoll. If you think Republicans are DROPPING THE BALL and should get to work for the American people, click on the "YES!" button below. If you think GOP Reps and Senators are DOING A GOOD JOB fighting the rogue policies and runaway spending of the Biden Regime, click on the "NO!" below.


After voting, please forward this message to your friends and family members. We want to know where they stand, too. We'll share the results after reaching 10,000 responses. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard today in Grassfire's "Is The GOP Failing?" QuickPoll.

Standing for life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Our polls are not scientific, nor are they meant to endorse a specific candidate or position. They're for informational purposes only.