last year's catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal, which cost 13 American service personnel their lives, Joe Biden admitted: "I bear responsibility for, fundamentally, all that's happened of late." Those deaths and letting billions of dollars in U.S. military aircraft, vehicles and weapons fall into the hands of Taliban forces were such egregious failures that 52% of Americans polled in September thought Joe Biden should resign.
Perhaps even more shocking, the same Rasmussen Reports poll found that 60% of respondents said Mr. Biden should be impeached if he doesn't resign! More than four months later, things haven't gotten any better under the Biden regime. In fact, his failures continue to pile up! Grassfire wonders how much higher those percentages would be if that poll was taken today.
If you think it's time for Mr. Biden's resignation, removal or impeachment after Year One of his "presidency," Grassfire is making it possible for you to make your voice heard. Click here or on the banner below to sign the "Joe Must Go!" nation petition now:
If you've had enough of the Biden regime's attacks on America's economy, security and way of life, we're empowering you to take action. When the "Joe Must Go!" national petition reaches 20,000 signatures, Grassfire representatives will deliver those petitions to Republican leadership on Capitol Hill. Click here to add your name now. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. In case you missed last night's "Joe Must Go!" update, we've included it below. If you haven't seen our previous email, please keep reading to learn about Mr. Biden's near-delusional quote regarding his first year in the Oval Office. Click here or on the banner below to sign the "Joe Must Go!" national petition now:
+ + + + + + +
Thursday evening:
In this morning's Grassfire update, we mentioned that today is the start of Year Two for the Biden "presidency." Year One ended with a surreal press conference yesterday, where Joe Biden had the nerve to suggest:
"I didn't overpromise, and what I have probably [done is] outperform what anybody thought would happen."
Seriously? The only way Mr. Biden has "outperformed" is in regard to how poorly he's doing as America's chief executive and leader of the free world. Earlier today, we highlighted the Biden regime's failures calling them "365 days of runaway inflation, a supply-chain crisis, rising violent-crime rates, an ongoing border crisis, compromised military readiness, and a weakened global presence."
Did the people who cast his 81 million votes envision this kind of failure and (to some degree) chaos? His approval rating currently stands at a historic low of 33%, according to a Quinnipiac poll released earlier this month. But that number could get worse -- and we're not the only ones reporting this today.
+ + Is It Time For Joe Biden To Be Impeached, Removed or Resign?
Around the same time Grassfire rolled out our morning email highlighting Mr. Biden's failures, the GOP posted their own list on Facebook. It includes:

If you think it's time for GOP lawmakers to pressure Joe Biden to end his failed "presidency," take action now by signing the "Joe Must Go!" national petition. We're empowering our team members to make their voices heard by demanding Republicans call for Mr. Biden's immediate resignation, impeachment or constitutional removal from office.
What about Mr. Biden's repeated promises to "unite the country"? That's another area where he's dropped the ball. A new AP poll released today indicates: "After a year of Biden's presidency, only 16% say he has made the country more united, and 43% think he has added to the country's divisions."
It's no surprise really. FOX News' Tucker Carlson insists that, during a "voting rights" speech in Atlanta last week, Joe Biden called anyone who doesn't agree with him a "racist," "terrorist" and "dangerous radical."
The Biden presidency continues to be a train wreck of missteps, mistakes and failures. When will Americans have enough of the skyrocketing inflation, surging national debt, COVID tyranny, raging border crisis and weak (almost embarrassing) international presence? It's no wonder there are renewed calls for Joe Biden's resignation, impeachment or removal from office.
If you think it's time for congressional Republicans to pressure Mr. Biden to step down, go here to add your name to the "Joe Must Go!" national petition. When it reaches 20,000 signatures, Grassfire representatives will deliver your petition to GOP leaders on Capitol Hill. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, if you want to tell House and Senate Republicans to remove Joe Biden from office because he isn't up to the challenge of being America's Commander-in-Chief, demand they take immediate action. Go here to sign the "Joe Must Go!" national petition now:
52% of Voters Think Biden Should Resign Over Afghanistan Withdrawal (Rasmussen Reports)
Rasmussen: 52% Say Biden Should Resign Over Afghanistan (Newsmax)
Biden Says He "Didn't Overpromise" But Has "Outperformed" Despite FAILING To "Shut Down The Virus" (RNC via YouTube)
Political Instability Not U.S. Adversaries, Seen As Bigger Threat (Quinnipiac University)
Under Biden's first year of leadership... (GOP on Facebook)
@RNCResearch (Twitter)
A Year after Inauguration, Biden Faces a More Critical and Pessimistic Public (The Associated Press)
Tucker Carlson: Biden's speeches reveal what he thinks of Americans (FOX News)
Grassfire, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. © 2022 Grassroots Action, Inc.
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