On Monday, we warned you that ATNA Republicans (see below) were about to pass ANOTHER SPENDING SCAM to finance Joe's, Nancy's and Chuck's "Hate America" agenda. Yesterday, it got the votes needed to become law.

Just like the previous $1.7-TRILLION continuing resolution, this one received more Democrat support than Republican -- in the GOP controlled House! The "America Last" lawmakers of the D.C. Uni-Party won again.

So, Grassfire wants to ask you again: Is the Republican Party FAILING "America First" patriots, like you? Please vote "YES" or "NO" in our QuickPoll below. Thank you, in advance, for taking action today and making your voice heard.

The Grassfire Team

Monday morning:

"ATNA" (All Talk, No Action) Republicans are on the verge of partnering with Democrats to pass ANOTHER continuing resolution. Like the ones before it, this CR will bankroll the "America Last" spending priorities of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer -- even though the GOP controls the House!

This latest, impending cave by weak-kneed Republicans to Establishment RINOs and radical Democrats has millions of "America First" patriots furious. The D.C. Uni-Party is pushing the United States off the fiscal cliff with massive, tax-and-spend policies that are bankrupting America and its people.

Most of the GOP is asleep at the wheel! Their "play fight and surrender" strategy isn't fooling anyone. Are you tired of the corrupt, unconstitutional, business-as-usual governing by lawmakers who claim to be "centrist" or "conservative"?

There's nothing centrist nor conservative about politicians taking money from hardworking Americans to make government bigger and bigger and bigger. There's nothing centrist nor conservative about crushing national debt, skyrocketing inflation and rising interest rates.

And don't get us started on the non-stop attacks against President Trump! What do you think? Are Republicans failing in the fight to save America?

+ + Vote Now In Our "Is The GOP Failing?" QuickPoll!

Please let us know where you stand by voting in Grassfire's new "Is The GOP Failing?" QuickPoll. If you think Republicans are DROPPING THE BALL and should get to work for the American people, click on the "YES!" button below. If you think GOP Reps and Senators are DOING A GOOD JOB fighting the rogue policies and runaway spending of Joe's Regime, click on the "NO!" button below.


After voting, please forward this message to your friends and family members. We want to know what they think, too. We'll share the results after reaching 10,000 responses. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard today in Grassfire's "Is The GOP Failing?" QuickPoll.

Standing for life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Our polls are not scientific, nor are they meant to endorse a specific candidate or position. They're for informational purposes only.


House sends yet another shutdown-averting bill to Biden's desk (POLITICO)