Do these three things to get started...
We're glad you're here at the new Grassfire. Getting engaged here at Grassfire is very easy! If you're new to Grassfire or coming back to the new Grassfire for the first time, we encourage you to do these three things to get started...
#1 -- Create Your Account. This is the single most important thing you can do because it is the first step to building your relationship with a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives. Once you sign in, you can access the tools and engage our action items with just a few clicks. Also, be sure to customize your profile just click on "settings" in the right column of just about any page (on mobile, "Settings" will be near the bottom of the page).
#2 -- Sign a petition. This gets you engaged on the key issues and connects you with updates are resources. Go here to see our most recent petitions.
#3 -- Share your story. Take a moment to share with the Grassfire community a little bit of your story. Go here to share your story.
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