In today's earlier message, we told you about the House of Representatives getting back to work today. Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) began the Lower Chamber's new session with a BANG!
A short time ago, Grassfire staff received an email from his office that announced "the House of Representatives is opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden." Click here to watch his announcement.
Speaking to reporters today, McCarthy said, "In recent months, House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct; taken together, these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption. ... That's why today, I am directing our House committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden."
McCarthy went on to call the long-awaited inquiry the "logical next step will give our committees the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the American public." The Speaker also said, "Through our investigations, we have found that President Biden lied to the American people about knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings."
Kudos to McCarthy on following through with his threats of an impeachment inquiry into "Crooked Joe" and "The Biden Crime Family." All the American people need now is to make sure House Republicans don't lose their nerve.
Sign the "Joe Must Go!" national petition to demand GOP leaders IMPEACH the "Commander-in-Thief." Click here or on the banner below to add your name now and make your voice heard:
+ + Petition House Republicans To Impeach Joe!
If you agree that "Joe Must Go!" now, Grassfire is empowering you to take immediate action. Tell GOP House leaders: "Enough is enough!" Demand they take action to impeach the "Commander-in-Thief"!
Impeachment proceedings ALWAYS begin in the House. Republicans control the Lower Chamber and are finally opening an official inquiry against Joe -- that could lead to his impeachment.
When the "Joe Must Go!" national petition reaches 20,000 signatures, Grassfire will deliver your petition to GOP House leaders on Capitol Hill. Click here to tell them: "Joe Must Go!" Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, if you want House Republicans to fully investigate and expose what McCarthy called "a culture of corruption" involving Joe and his family, demand Republican House leaders push for impeachment. Click here or on the banner below to sign the "Joe Must Go!" national petition:
Speaker McCarthy Opens an Impeachment Inquiry (The Speaker's Office)
Speaker McCarthy Announces Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden (YouTube)
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