UPDATE: House Vote Today CONFIRMED! Fax GOP Reps Now To "Stand With Israel"!
Within the past hour, Grassfire received confirmation from the office of House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) about our previous update. A vote on H. Con. Res. 57: "Expressing the sense of Congress supporting the State of Israel" WILL take place TODAY on Capitol Hill!
In light of recent anti-Semitism from a prominent Democrat Representative, Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) wants EVERY House member to vote on whether or not they support America's greatest ally in the Middle East. So, Grassfire launched an EMERGENCY "Stand With Israel!" FaxFire today.
Israel President Isaac Herzog will address Congress tomorrow. So, a "Yes" vote today will send a strong message of support to the Jewish state and its people. Thanks, in advance, for standing with Israel today.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. If you missed today's earlier message about the pending House vote, we included it below. Or take immediate action by going here to demand GOP Reps "Stand With Israel!" today:
Tuesday morning:
Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has seen and heard enough anti-Semitism from "progressive" Democrats in the House. He's calling for a floor vote TODAY that will force members of both parties to declare where they stand on Israel.
After a Democrat Representative called the Jewish state "racist" last week, McCarthy reacted yesterday by taking action to rebuke that comment and past anti-Israel statements by radical, far-left House members. Last night, POLITICO reported on McCarthy's reaction and the pending vote:
"The Democrats want an out to show they are not antisemitic? I think the Democrats have not just one member that's antisemitic, they have a number of members," McCarthy told POLITICO, calling (the Dem Rep's) remarks "unacceptable."
+ + Fax GOP House Members To Demand They "Stand With Israel!"
If you want House Republicans to show their support for America's greatest ally in the Middle East, take action now! Grassfire is launching an EMERGENCY "Stand With Israel!" FaxFire this morning to empower you to contact up to 190 GOP Representatives instantly.
Make your voice heard by faxing Republican House members BEFORE today's expected vote on "H. Con. Res. 57: Expressing the sense of Congress supporting the State of Israel." Demand GOP Reps take action to declare the United States' unyielding support for the Holy Land.
Grassfire is empowering you to take action using our unique FaxFire system. Call on House Republicans to "Stand With Israel!" today! Click here or on the banner below now to instantly fax up to 20 GOP House leaders for only $15. :
Not a VIP? Go here to send this FaxFire for just $3!
+ + Call On Republican Reps To "Stand With Israel!" By Faxing Now!
It's no coincidence that McCarthy called for this House vote one day before a U.S. visit by Israel President Isaac Herzog to address Congress. That's why Grassfire is empowering team members to instantly fax key Republican House members now to demand they "Stand With Israel!"
Again, Level One of this urgent FaxFire empowers you to IMMEDIATELY send a personalized message to as many as 20 key GOP Reps on Capitol Hill for only $15 -- a 25% discount! Choose our Level Two faxes to also reach dozens of House Freedom Caucus members (up to 46 faxes total) for just $30. Our LEVEL THREE option allows you to fax EVERY Republican House member with a working fax line (up to 190 total) for $70 -- a 63% DISCOUNT!
Take immediate action to demand GOP Reps "Stand With Israel!" today by voting in favor of McCarthy's pro-Israel resolution. Click here to fax Capitol Hill now for as low as $15. Thank you, in advance, for making your voice heard BEFORE today's expected vote.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. If you want to send your own faxes, click here for a complete list of House and Senate targets, along with their contact info. Or take advantage of Grassfire technology that empowers you to instantly send your personalized message -- demanding GOP lawmakers "Stand With Israel!" Click here or on the banner below to fax now for as little as $15:
P.P.S. To read about the FaxFire system's deliverability, go here.
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