Fax Congress And Express Your Outrage!
As part of his growing anti-Israel efforts, President Biden has now threatened to withhold military support for Israel. This is a shocking and UNCONSTITUTIONAL move. Biden would be violating the law for political purposes!
Grassfire is empowering you to express your outrage at Biden's threat to withhold aid from Israel and call on Congress to take all necessary actions to resist what would be a violation of our Constitution and a political attack on the people of Israel.
** PRICES CUT: Fax Schumer, Johnson and Key RINOs for just $10!
RECOMMENDED LEVEL: Choose "LEVEL TWO" and expand your impact!
(Click here for a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact info. Read about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.)
COMPLETE STEP ONE BY SELECTING YOUR FAX LEVEL. You'll be directed to a page where you can customize your "I Stand With Israel!" fax message and finalize your order.
ATTENTION GRASSFIRE VIPs: Click here to send your "I Stand With Israel!" faxes for 80% OFF. Not a GrassfireVIP? Click here to join for only $15 per month.