Just minutes before President Trump was sworn in, it was announced that Joe Biden had "preemptively" pardoned members of the Biden Crime family for any alleged crimes dating back to January 1, 2014.

Earlier in the day, Biden pardoned Anthony Fauci (just as Grassfire predicted and warned). Here's that pardon document. I want you to see the actual pardon:

The Fauci pardon also dates back to 2014, likely to cover any criminal exposure that Fauci has related to "gain of function" research which likely caused the global pandemic.

Biden also pardoned Liz Cheney, Mark Milley, and every member of the J6 committee and staff.

These preemptive pardons mark the most outrageous abuse of presidential pardon power in the history of the United States, capping perhaps the most damaging presidency in history.

I can say we warned you. Here's Grassfire's email from Saturday....

Here's why I'm sharing this with you...

First, Fauci and the entire Biden Crime Cabal must be held accountable, despite these likely unconstitutional "preemptive" pardons.

Legally, a pardon is not technically in effect until the recipient of the pardon exercises (uses) the pardon. If the recipient of the pardon exercises the pardon, that is tantamount to an admission of guilt. So forcing a pardon recipient (in this case, Fauci) to use his pardon would be an admission of guilt by Fauci.

That's why Rep. Chip Roy tweeted yesterday:

"[The] implication is that they needed the pardons… So, let’s call them all before Congress and demand the truth. If they refuse or lie -- let’s test the constitutional “reach” of these pardons with regard to their future actions.

 + + Action #1: Demand Truth From Fauci and Bogus Pardon Recipients

That's why Grassfire is calling on our team members to fax Congress now and DEMAND THE TRUTH from Fauci and all the Biden Crime Cabal! Let's get them under oath! America must know the truth!

We just reworked our "No Pardons" FaxFire to call on Congress to DEMAND THE TRUTH from Fauci. et. al. immediately.

<< Click here to fax key members of Congress right now and say "DEMAND THE TRUTH FROM FAUCI AND ALL WHO RECEIVED BOGUS PREEMPTIVE PARDONS! >>

+ + Action #2....

Here's the second action...

Simpy put, here at Grassfire, we need YOUR help!

Like so many other issues, Grassfire stood on the wall and exposed Joe Biden's corrupt "preemptive" pardon plan. But we can't fight without YOUR HELP!

We must expand Grassfire's reach because President Trump's MAGA agenda will need EVERY VOTE and EVERY VOICE to win!

Here's how you can help right now...

I'm so excited that we just published my newest book, The Golden Age Of Trump. If you can help Grassfire with a contribution of ANY AMOUNT right now, we'll send you a copy. Go here.

Thanks so much for standing with us as we stand for liberty and limited government!

Steve Elliott, Grassfire