"IRS auditors will soon be coming after tens of millions of Americans." --The Wall Street Journal (August 8, 2022)
That's right, America. IRS audits will soon target millions and millions of taxpayers, unless the GOP takes action. (Will you be one of them?) The Republican-controlled House of Representatives has done their part by passing "The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act" (H.R.23) on Monday.
But to stop the Biden Regime from super-charging the Internal Revenue Service against low- and middle-income Americans, H.R.23 must also pass the Senate. If signed into law, this bill will rescind tens of billions of dollars for the IRS and can prevent "We the People" from being unfairly targeted by Big Government.
Grassfire is empowering you to make your voice heard by calling on GOP Senators to fight! Take immediate action to demand they force a vote on "The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act" as soon as possible. Use our unique FaxFire system to instantly send your personalized message now.
Not a VIP? Go here to send this FaxFire for just $6!
+ + Call On GOP Senators To Demand A Floor Vote On H.R.23!
Again, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives passed an important bill on Monday to prevent Americans from being unfairly targeted by the IRS. But, to become law, "The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act" must pass the Senate and be signed by Joe Biden. If there's any hope of that happening, Republican Senators need to force a floor vote on H.R.23 ASAP.
Take immediate action to support efforts by GOP Reps to "Defund The IRS!" Click here to fax up to 40 Senators now for only $30. If you can, go the extra mile and also fax up to 45 Democrats (up to 85 total faxes) for $50 -- a 41% discount! Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard this morning to stop Joe Biden's and the radical Democrats' $80-billion IRS scheme.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Joe Biden and radical Democrats passed the bogus "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" this past summer. The August SPENDING SCAM flooded the Internal Revenue Service with $80 BILLION to hire 87,000 IRS agents. Do you think the millions of audits by the Biden Regime's new agents will unfairly target "America First" patriots? If so, go here to take action now:
Note: To fax Senators yourself, click here for their contact information. Also, you can read about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.
H.R.23: The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act (House·Gov)
The Leader's Floor Lookout: Week of January 9, 2023 (MajorityLeader·Gov)
The IRS Is About to Go Beast Mode (The Wall Street Journal)
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