Are you comfortable with the United States Postal Service playing a major role in deciding the outcome of the 2020 presidential election? The vast majority of America's mail carriers are exceptional people and serve our nation admirably. But this is a very challenging time in U.S. history, and the COVID-19 pandemic is already challenging our mail system like never before.
Also, radical Democrats want to undermine the integrity of our 2020 elections by making it possible for members of either party to engage in ballot harvesting, ballot stealing or ballot fraud, all of which could significantly impact the final vote tallies. In 2004, even far-left Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) admitted: "Paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud." When compared to voting on machines, even "old, clunky" ones in New York, he added, "(T)he deliberate fraud is way down compared to paper."
+ + Vote Now In Grassfire's New "Vote By Mail?" QuickPoll
Grassfire wants to know where our team members stand on this important issue. If you support mail-in voting on a wide scale this November 3, click here or on the "YES!" button below. If you do NOT want to risk the integrity of the 2020 presidential-election results by implementing last-minute, widespread voting by mail, please click here or on the "NO!" button below.
Please note, we're not asking you to vote today on absentee ballots or absentee voting. That is an entirely different and more trusted way for Americans, who can't vote in person, to make their voices heard on Election Day.
But it's worth noting that FOX News recently highlighted a 2005 bipartisan report about absentee voting led by former President Jimmy Carter and former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker. A federal election reform panel found: "Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud." So how would mail-in voting be even worse?
Your vote today will help shape Grassfire's future messaging. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard via our "Vote By Mail?" QuickPoll. We'll share the results after reaching 10,000 votes.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. QuickPolls are not scientific, nor do they endorse a specific candidate or position. Grassfire polls are for informational purposes only.
Jerry Nadler in 2004: 'Paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud' (FOX News)
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