The 2020 election is an urgent battle of good versus evil. Anyone who saw the images of Trump supporters being assaulted by radical leftists in Washington, D.C. this past weekend knows the truth. The America we know and love is fighting for its survival.
That's not an exaggeration or overstatement. Conservative patriots MUST take a stand here... now! Otherwise, America could condemn our children and grandchildren to, what Ronald Reagan called, "a thousand years of darkness."
"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, 'There is a price we will not pay.' There is a point beyond which they must not advance," Reagan insisted in his 1964 "A Time for Choosing" speech. "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."
Like Barack Obama before them, Joe Biden and his supporters are hell-bent on "radically transforming the United States of America." Anti-capitalists, pro-Marxists and anarchists want to take away our First Amendment rights (freedom of speech and freedom of religion) and Second Amendment rights.
We saw it in our nation's capital this past weekend and have watched it happen across America for months: The radical, unhinged Left wants to silence opposing voices AND stop liberty-loving patriots from protecting themselves. If President Trump supporters (73 million of them!) don't take action, a Biden presidency will very likely turn the "American Dream" into a "Socialist Nightmare."
Grassfire remains one of the largest voices of truth in this election. We're making every effort to empower you to fight this battle against radical Democrats, Big Tech censorship and FAKE NEWS. The Left simply WILL NOT ACCEPT a Trump victory. Your duty, as an American patriot, is to make sure they don't STEAL IT!
+ + Help Grassfire Empower Your Fight To "Stop The Steal!"
Our staff has spent two decades fighting to support this great nation's founding principles of life, liberty and limited government. Grassfire's mission is to REPORT TRUTH so you can TAKE ACTION on key issues of our day.
We have one of the largest email networks in the entire conservative movement. That's especially important right now because EMAIL IS ONE OF THE FEW AVENUES OF DIRECT, ONLINE COMMUNICATION that the Silicon Valley Overlords cannot easily censor or silence!
Grassfire's influence and impact has never been more vital. In all, we've been getting the message out to about a MILLION people every day.
If you believe in Grassfire, we're asking you to prayerfully consider helping us remain a VOICE FOR TRUTH in the 2020 election. Will you contribute $30, $50, $75, $100 or more today to help Grassfire REPORT TRUTH and empower you to TAKE ACTION? If so, please go here:
+ + Our Gifts To You For Helping Us Fight Back!
If you can help Grassfire fight back with a contribution of ANY AMOUNT today, we want you to have our new "I Voted Legally" ReStickers. These state-of-the-art bumper stickers can be applied and re-applied to virtually any smooth surface. Shipping and handling are FREE!
Will you stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Grassfire today? Click here or on the banner below now to HELP US FIGHT and receive two "I Voted Legally" ReStickers in appreciation for your generous support:
Our small, but dedicated, team is working hard to amplify YOUR VOICE. We offer grassroots-activism services to patriots who support America's founding principles of life, liberty and limited government. We're fighting against Big Tech censorship through our websites, social-media accounts (as best we can) and DIRECT CONTACT via email.
We run a remarkably lean "ship" at Grassfire, and we could use your help in this fight. Would you please consider helping us fully fund our expanded efforts to "STOP THE STEAL!"? In just the past week, we've empowered team members, like you, to make approximately 50,000 contacts with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Please stand with us by clicking here to contribute today.
Again, Grassfire is doing everything we can to amplify YOUR VOICE in this fight. Your voice is MORE IMPORTANT NOW THAN AT ANY TIME IN OUR HISTORY. Please help us continue fighting for your right to be heard on Capitol Hill and beyond. When you support our work with ANY AMOUNT, you'll receive two "I Voted Legally" ReStickers as our gift. Thanks, in advance, for standing with us.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. We offer an alternative to America's Big Tech, social-media monopoly. Grassfire is one of the few online, grassroots-citizen networks that has both the strength in numbers and the independent-minded commitment to make a difference in the battle against political correctness and tyranny. Let's be clear: Liberty-loving Americans are fighting for the very soul of this nation. Few organizations in the country can inform and equip hundreds of thousands of citizens like Grassfire can. But we need your help to do even more. Click here or on the banner below now to receive two "I Voted Legally" ReStickers in appreciation for your contribution of ANY AMOUNT:
We urgently need help THIS MONTH in the aftermath of the election! We recently launched our GRASSFIRE VIP program -- with exclusive discounts, benefits, resources, and access to our team. Would you consider becoming a VIP today? Everyone who becomes a VIP at $15 or more monthly between now and the end of November will receive 25 "TRUMP BUCKS" in addition to 80% off our FaxFire campaigns, our breakthrough VIP news digest and our exclusive VIP VIDEO BRIEFINGS. Go here to find out more and become a VIP:
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