Before President Trump left the White House on Marine One for Walter Reed Medical Center last night, he recorded a video -- presumably to put millions of Americans at ease over his condition. He said this about his fight against coronavirus:
"I think I'm doing very well. But we're going to make sure that things work out. The First Lady is doing well."
The President and First Lady tested positive for COVID on Thursday. FOX News reports "several top White House aides and Republican lawmakers have tested positive" as well. Late last night, the President tweeted:
Going well, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!
When Marine One helicopter lifted off from the South Lawn yesterday to fly our Commander-in-Chief to the military hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, the prayers and concerns of millions of Americans intensified. It was upsetting to see the President touch down and then watch his motorcade transport him to Walter Reed.
One Grassfire staff member commented that he was "taken back" by a grim possibility: The coronavirus can ravage people. What if those TV images were the last we ever see of a healthy President Trump?
That's why Grassfire is urging our team members to continue asking God to heal and fully restore Mr. & Mrs. Trump. We're also giving you the opportunity to tell the President and First Lady that they're in your prayers. Our goal is to empower thousands of patriotic Americans to take action in the wake of yesterday's news.
As you might expect, many on the radical Left were giddy with glee after learning of the President's and First Lady's illness. But Americans who love faith, freedom and the Trumps need ignore the hate. Instead, let's storm the gate of heaven on the First Couple's behalf!
When you sign, please consider leaving a word of encouragement for the President and First Lady. We'd love to see thousands of positive, uplifting and inspiring comments for Mr. and Mrs. Trump.
When Grassfire reaches 10,000 "I'm Praying" signers, we'll deliver this Statement of Support to the White House. Click here to add your name now.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Join with millions of other patriotic, faithful Americans who are putting politics and the presidential campaign aside to pray for Donald and Melania Trump. Go here to sign Grassfire's "I'm Praying For The President And First Lady" Statement of Support:
@realDonaldTrump (Twitter)
Trump White House, Congress facing unclear coronavirus implications (FOX News)
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