Yesterday, President Trump DOUBLED DOWN on his commitment to having a question on citizenship be part of the 2020 Census. Despite conflicting reports from the Commerce Department, Trump tweeted:
"The News Reports about the Department of Commerce dropping its quest to put the Citizenship Question on the Census is incorrect or, to state it differently, FAKE! We are absolutely moving forward, as we must, because of the importance of the answer to this question."
Quick Poll -- Is Trump Right On Citizenship Census Question?
Grassfire wants to gather citizen feedback and then report the results TO THE MEDIA, TO CONGRESS AND TO THE WHITE HOUSE immediately after the Independence Day weekend.
Where do you stand on the President's efforts to add a citizenship question to the census? Vote now in Grassfire's new "IS TRUMP RIGHT ON THE CENSUS?" poll. Click here to vote:
We found the actual Census question that President Trump wants added to the 2020 Census. This is the question that has liberal heads exploding and caused Chief Justice John Roberts to author an opinion blocking the question. Here it is:
President Trump is still threatening to DELAY the census pending a new Supreme Court review of this issue. We want to hear from you. Do you agree with President Trump on adding the citizenship question?
For liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
Grassfire quick polls are designed to measure where Grassfire team members stand on a particular issue. Grassfire will publicize the results, and, when events warrant, distribute results to the media.
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