After less than 18 months in office, Joe Biden has cemented his legacy as the worst "Commander-in-Chief" in American history. Under his disastrous, tyrannical reign, gas prices are setting new records every day; inflation has reached its highest level in 40 years; and, in the midst of a violent crime wave, the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans are under attack.

Great work, "Uncle Joe"! Your "Hate America" agenda has done more damage to our great nation -- in a shorter period of time -- than the Carter administration.

+ + Tell The Biden Regime: "Don't Tread On Me!"

Grassfire has the perfect way for "America First" patriots, like you, to push back against the Biden regime's failures and tyranny. Fly a 3' x 5' "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden flag!

This uniquely American banner is HATED by radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left and the Woke Mob. That's why we want to empower you to display one (or even three) with pride.

In appreciation for your contribution of $20 or more to help us build, we'll send you ONE 3' x 5' Gadsden flag. Contribute $40 or more to receive THREE "Don't Tread On Me" banners. Shipping is FREE no matter how many you order!

Click here or on the banner below to reserve your "Don't Tread On Me" flag(s) now in appreciation for your contribution of $20, $40 or more to help Grassfire build:

Despite what woke, radical, unhinged leftists try to tell you, the "Don't Tread On Me" flag is significant in our nation's story of independence. Designed by patriots Christopher Gadsden and Benjamin Franklin, this bold banner of American freedom was used by the Continental Marines.

At the start of the Revolutionary War, the Gadsden flag quickly became a symbol of colonial resistance to tyranny. Of course, the "America Last" crowd REJECTS our history and wants to shame patriots into silence. So they attack the Unites States' symbols of liberty.

Well, GRASSFIRE REJECTS THE WOKE, ANTI-AMERICAN RADICALS who want to rewrite our history! We stand against tyranny and say to those who want to destroy our liberties and our way of life... DON'T TREAD ON ME!

We didn't start this battle to destroy our nation, the Biden regime did with the help of radical Democrats and the Unhinged Left. But like the rattlesnake, WE WILL NOT LET GO OF THIS FIGHT!

+ + Fight Joe Biden's Tyranny By Flying "Don't Tread On Me"!

Recently, Grassfire secured a limited quantity of "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden flags and made them available to our team members. They were so popular that we quickly SOLD OUT of our entire stock. The good news is that another order is expected in our warehouse soon.

We're making our new inventory available to team members on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here to reserve your "Don't Tread On Me" flag(s) now in appreciation for your contribution of $20, $40 or more to help Grassfire build. Again, we'll cover the shipping. Thanks, in advance, for your generous support.

Standing for life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. We need your help this month to keep the "lamp of liberty" burning! Grassfire reaches HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of patriots every month, but we need your support to grow and reach more people. If you can help us build, please consider ordering three "Don't Tread On Me" flags today for $40. Go here to take a bold stand for liberty in your community: