We have BREAKING NEWS to share this morning from Punchbowl News about the imminent votes to pass the $1.7-TRILLION SPENDING SCAM:
"The Senate will begin voting on the CR to fund the federal government through early March at 12:30 p.m. today. There will be four votes, including amendments that will be rejected. The short-term spending measure will then be sent to the House for quick action.
"The Washington area is bracing for a major snowstorm tonight into Friday. The House leadership will be under a tremendous amount of pressure to bring up the CR today instead of Friday" (emphasis ours).
At most, that "major snowstorm" is forecast to drop three inches of snow on Washington, D.C. Corrupt lawmakers will use ANY excuse to pass these horrible bills and scurry out of town (like rats) as quickly as possible!
Let's be honest. Stopping the D.C. Uni-Party's SPENDING SCAM in the Senate is a lost cause. The Upper Chamber has too many RINOs willing to "go along to get along." Only 13 Republican Senators voted "No" on the dirty, backroom, $1.7-TRILLION deal when it first came to the floor this week. The real fight -- the only fight -- is in the House, RIGHT NOW!
The clock is ticking to a partial government shutdown TOMORROW (Friday). So, the D.C. Uni-Party is pushing for votes TODAY. You can demand Speaker Johnson and other key Republican "leaders" STOP acting outside the Constitution and pass an actual budget -- NOT another $1.7-TRILLION continuing resolution!
Sign the national "STOP THE SPENDING SCAM!" national petition and call on Republican leaders to defund Joe's and the Uni-Party's "America Last" agenda. Click here or on the banner below to add your name now. Demand GOP Reps save America TODAY:
Again, the battle to save America must be fought by Republican Reps in the Lower Chamber. Speaker Johnson said LAST MONTH that "operating by CRs ... is a dereliction of duty." Yet, he's on the verge of passing one to lock in the spending priorities of Joe, Nancy and Chuck until AT LEAST March!
Make your voice heard by adding your name to the national petition demanding Speaker Johnson and other GOP "leaders" refuse to SURRENDER to Democrats and RINOs. Click here to call for real Republicans to "Stop The Spending Scam!" Thank you, in advance, for taking action today.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. We need at least 20,000 "America First" patriots on record AGAINST this latest Big Government SPENDING SCAM. Without reaching that signature threshold, the petitions won't have the impact needed to push GOP leaders on Capitol Hill into action. Fight this latest effort to continue funding Joe's "America Last" agenda by signing the national petition now! Go here:
Wednesday evening:
Grassfire is SHOCKED by some of the most honest reporting we've EVER seen on Capitol Hill. Punchbowl News reported yesterday about the current SPENDING SCAM being voted on in Congress this week:
"Passing a CR doesn't solve any of the big outstanding issues facing our national political leaders. It has no impact on the migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. There's no money for Ukraine, Israel or Taiwan. It doesn't cut the deficit or help the economy."
The $1.7 trillion dirty, backroom deal between Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is working it's way through the Upper Chamber NOW and could send it to the House TOMORROW. The D.C. Uni-Party is trying to avoid a partial government shutdown this weekend.
Passing this stopgap spending bill will lock in the spending priorities of Joe, Chuck and Nancy until March. As you read above, it accomplishes NOTHING. Congress, once again, is "punting" the fiscal football. "America Last" lawmakers on both sides are kicking it down the field to bigger government, more national debt and larger federal deficits!
Perhaps most importantly, with this continuing resolution (CR), Johnson is breaking a promise he made in December NOT to fund the government this way. He called "operating by CRs... a dereliction of duty." What changed "MAGA Mike"?
Schumer has called this latest SPENDING SCAM "a good deal for Democrats." RINOs love it, too. That means this CR a very bad deal for America. If you agree, Grassfire is empowering you to make your voice heard. Take immediate action! The first votes on this ridiculous CR already have been cast on Capitol Hill.
Sign the national "STOP THE SPENDING SCAM!" national petition to demand Republican leaders defund Joe's and the Uni-Party's "America Last" agenda. Click here or on the banner below to add your name now. Call on GOP Reps and Senators to save our great nation from becoming "America The Socialist":
+ + More Votes Pending: Take Action Now!
ANOTHER manufactured crisis is unfolding before our eyes on Capitol Hill. ANOTHER threat of a government shutdown has panicked, tax-and-spend lawmakers breathlessly calling for ANOTHER "Spending Scam"! ANOTHER CR is the same "business as usual" antics of the D.C. Uni-Party.
The GOP-led House controls the "power of the purse"! Why isn't EVERY Republican on Capitol Hill fighting to save America? Call on key "America First" Reps to rein in this runaway government and "Stop The Spending Scam!
With our unique FaxFire system, you can immediately reach key House Republicans to demand they defund the "America Last" agenda of the Biden Regime, radical Democrats and Establishment RINOs. Take immediate action to urge GOP Reps to "Stop The Spending Scam!"! Click here to sign the national petition now and make your voice heard.
Call on dozens of Republican House members to hold the line and stop "business as usual" in Washington, D.C. Click here to demand GOP members of the House and Senate stop funding the D.C. Uni-Party's "Hate America" policies! Thank you, in advance, for making your voice heard tonight.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. We need at least 20,000 "America First" patriots on record AGAINST this latest Big Government SPENDING SCAM. Without reaching that signature threshold, the petitions won't have the impact needed to "move the needle" with GOP Leaders on Capitol Hill. You can fight any and all efforts to continue funding Joe's failed, tyrannical Regime by signing the national petition now! Go here:
Inside Johnson's immigration jam (Punchbowl News)
Winter Weather Advisory (National Weather Service)
Snow, Congress and government funding (Punchbowl News)
Power of the Purse (U.S. House of Representatives)
Johnson strikes his first bipartisan deal — a $1.7T funding accord (POLITICO)
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