More than 11,000 "Confirm Amy Now!" petitions will arrive on Capitol Hill TODAY. Grassfire representatives will hand-deliver them to the offices of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Both men are key to confirming and seating Judge Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court by month's end.
As we warned yesterday (see our previous email here), Democrats are trying to stop Barrett's nomination from going forward. Last night, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tried, unsuccessfully, to use a procedural move that would have forced the "Upper Chamber" into recess. Also yesterday, Graham was confronted by two angry, "anti-Amy" women at a Washington, D.C. airport. He tweeted video of the exchange, saying:
"I arrived in DC today & was confronted by 2 women - one of whom was from Seattle - who called Judge Amy Coney Barrett a racist & unqualified. This is the modern left, hostile & unhinged. I won't be intimidated. I can't wait to #FillTheSeat."
Near the end of the video, he told the women, "I'm going to enthusiastically support Judge Barrett." That encounter makes today the PERFECT day to let Sen. Graham and other Senate Republicans know that you support their efforts to "Confirm Amy Now!"
With Grassfire's unique FaxFire system, you can instantly reach into congressional offices in Washington, D.C. to demand they "Confirm Amy Now!" Click here or on the banner below to immediately send up to 17 faxes to key Senators for ONLY $15:
Yesterday's deadlocked, 4-4 Supreme Court ruling shows the urgent need to "Fill That Seat" BEFORE November 3. Thanks to Chief Justice Roberts siding with liberals (again), the key battleground state of Pennsylvania will be allowed to count mail-in ballots that are sent in THREE DAYS AFTER Election Day -- even if they don't have a postmark!
Grassfire has been saying for weeks that a full, nine-member Supreme Court might be needed to rule on possible legal disputes that arise after Election Day. That's why confirming Judge Barrett is crucial. Click here to fax Senators now -- for just $15!
Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, we're delivering more than 11,000 "Confirm Amy Now!" petitions on Capitol Hill. You have an opportunity to increase the impact of that hand-deliver and amplify YOUR VOICE in this fight. Go here to fax now:
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