The Senate is voting today and tomorrow on borrowing $60 billion for the Biden-Deep State proxy war. See below for updates. --Grassfire

Over the past two days, Grassfire conducted a poll of our team members asking the question:

Do you SUPPORT or OPPOSE our government borrowing $60 billion more to fund Joe Biden's proxy war in Ukraine?

Here are the results:

  • 6% SUPPORT proxy war borrowing
  • 94% OPPOSE proxy war borrowing

If you join the 94% of Grassfire team members who OPPOSE the Senate's current bill to borrow an additional $60 billion to fund the proxy war in Ukraine, here are action items:

+ + Action #1 -- Fax RINOs TODAY

Schumer is keeping the Senate in session through the weekend to rush this "emergency' spending bill through. There are key votes today, tomorrow and likely Sunday.

Take three minutes right now to fax 15 key RINOs and let them know where you stand on the Biden-Deep State proxy war in Ukraine:

+ + Action #2 -- Call Your Senators and Senate RINOs

Call your two Senators NOW by calling the Senate switchboard: 202-224-3121.

Also, here is a list of phone numbers for the key RINOs.

+ + Action #3 -- Share this alert with your friends

Please spread the word. Forward this email to your friends. 

Thanks for taking action!
