When cities and states across the country began making news for delaying the start of the school year or forcing students to learn from home, Grassfire decided to ask our nationwide network of grassroots conservatives what they thought. Over the past week, more than 12,000 team members voted in our one-question "Get Kids Back to School?" QuickPoll. The results were overwhelmingly in favor (96%) of children returning to their classrooms. Only 4% of Grassfire Nation wants schools to stay closed.
Early this morning, we shared these results with the offices of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Capitol Hill. It's important that they know where you and so many other American patriots stand. Grassfire urged McCarthy and McConnell to continue standing with President Trump to re-open schools on time and in person.
On Thursday, the CDC said that children "are far less likely to suffer severe symptoms. Death rates among school-aged children are much lower than among adults. ... Aside from a child’s home, no other setting has more influence on a child’s health and well-being than their school."
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Keeping classrooms shuttered is NOT necessary to protect students and teachers. Science has shown again and again that children are not at great risk from COVID-19, and there are very few cases of kids transmitting the virus to adults. Many Americans think there's a political agenda at work to keep schools closed. If you agree, make your voice heard using our unique FaxFire system. Click here to fax now.
Take immediate action to stop COVID-19 from further hurting America's children. Kids need to return to school this Fall, so they can learn, socialize and exercise again. Grassfire's "Get Kids Back To School!" FaxFire also has "Level Two" and "Level Three" options. Expand your impact and reach every GOP Senator and dozens of governors across the country with your personalized message.
America doesn't need to extend draconian lockdowns and shutdowns to reduce the threat of coronavirus. There's a lot we can do to protect those most at risk while still allowing children to return to the classroom. Click here to demand lawmakers stand with President Trump and "Get Kids Back To School!" Thanks, in advance, for taking action.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. While Grassfire polls are not scientific, we do think our "Get Kids Back to School?" QuickPoll is an accurate representation of how conservative patriots across this great nation view this very important issue. You can increase the impact of today's poll results by immediately faxing Rep. McCarthy, Sen. McConnell and more than a dozen other lawmakers -- for just $15. Take a stand and make your voice heard by clicking here to send your personalized "Get Kids Back To School!" Faxes now. To see a list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, go here now.
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