Now, Fax RINO Senators! Tell Them: "I Object To The New Trump Witch Hunt!"
President Trump is facing ANOTHER BOGUS INDICTMENT. But this one isn't from an activist, rogue district attorney. It's from Joe Biden's Department of Justice against the 2024 GOP front-runner for president. America's 45th Commander-in-Chief is being dragged into federal court, making it one of the darkest days in U.S. political history.
Stand with President Trump by saying: "I OBJECT IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS TO THIS BOGUS, BIDEN-DOJ, WITCH-HUNT INDICTMENT!" Make your voice heard by faxing Capitol Hill now. Take immediate action to tell Senators: "I Object!" to this latest Trump attack.
+ + Send your faxes now in two easy steps...
For just $15, you can INSTANTLY fax up to 15 RINO Senators. For $30, your LEVEL TWO faxes can reach more than two dozen additional Senate Republicans (up to 40 faxes). Or "go the extra mile" and send LEVEL THREE faxes to EVERY Senator with a working fax line for $50. That's up to 85 total faxes at 41% OFF!
For a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, click here. Read more about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.
Once you select your fax level below, you will be directed to a page where you can customize your "I Object!" fax message and finalize your order.
(Are you a GrassfireVIP? If so, click here to send your "I Object" faxes for 80% OFF. Not a GrassfireVIP? Click here to join for only $15 per month.)