Do You Support Or Oppose Jab Mandates For Your Kids And Grandkids? Vote Now!
The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Rochelle Walensky, tested positive for COVID on Friday. She's been "vaccinated" and "boosted" FIVE TIMES -- yet she still got sick. After her most recent "jab," just last month, she said: "Laboratory data suggest these updated vaccines provide increased protection against currently circulating variants."
The CDC announced that Walensky "is experiencing mild symptoms." While Grassfire wishes her a full and speedy recovery, we can't help feeling a sense of irony over the timing of this weekend's announcement. One day before her positive test, a CDC panel voted 15-0 to add the COVID jab to their Childhood Vaccination Schedule.
That unanimous decision left millions of Americans scratching their heads. Why recommend a "vaccine" that doesn't prevent a person from getting or spreading coronavirus? Also, why call for millions of children, who are already at a very low risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID, to get a still-experimental shot?
Those facts and Walensky's regrettable diagnosis are what makes last week's 15-0 decision by the CDC so ill-informed and unscientific -- even shocking. Grassfire wants to know if you're outraged by or support possible jab mandates for children. Please make your voice heard in the "Protect Our Kids?" FlashPoll.
+ + Vote In Grassfire's "Protect Our Kids!" FlashPoll Now.
We're empowering our team members to make their voices heard using the "Protect Our Kids?" FlashPoll. Do you reject or support the possibility of jab mandates for children? Please let us know where you stand by voting now.
After taking action, please forward this message to your friends and family members so they can vote, too. Grassfire staff will share the results of this one-question survey when it reaches 10,000 votes. Thanks, in advance, for voting.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. We support everyone's right to make their own vaccine decisions, but jab mandates -- especially for kids -- are unacceptable and un-American. Please note that Grassfire polls are not scientific, nor are they meant to endorse a specific candidate or position. They're for informational purposes only.
CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky comes down with COVID a month after booster shot (New York Post)
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths by Sex and Age (CDC)
CDC Votes To Add COVID-19 Vaccines To Childhood Immunization Schedule (ZeroHedge)
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