Sign The National Petition Calling On Republican Leaders To Fight For "No Masks! No Mandates! No Shutdowns!"
America could still head back down the rabbit hole of government officials using COVID as an excuse to steal your rights and "reset" our great nation into a socialist, totalitarian, police state. But you can push back by demanding Republican lawmakers say "NO!" to Joe Biden's re-masking of America; "NO!" to vaccine mandates!; and "NO!" to more shutdowns.
If you want to STOP the radical, unhinged Left's rising COVID tyranny, demand GOP leaders in the House and Senate take bold action! Sign the "No Masks! No Mandates! No Shutdowns!" national petition below and call on Republican lawmakers to prevent a return to Joe Biden's re-masking, vaccine mandates and lockdowns!
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The "No Masks! No Mandates! No Shutdowns!" National Petition States:
As a liberty-loving American citizen, I am outraged by the COVID tyranny in the United States. Not only did Joe Biden launch the forced vaccination of our great nation, he and his fellow radical, unhinged Democrats could be on the verge of yet another round of unconstitutional, freedom-destroying economy-crushing shutdowns. What they've done and want to continue doing is unacceptable and un-American! That's why I urge you, a duly elected member of the U.S. Congress, to take action by actually following the science and fighting for a "No Masks! No Mandates! No Shutdowns!" policy across America.
There is ample scientific evidence that masks DO NOT stop a person from transmitting or receiving particles of a so-called virus.
The mandates are a violation of a person’s freedom and , there is NO allowance in the original constitution of 1776 for an “Emergency” violation of the constitution regardless of why anyone is frightened.
Stop the idiosy. It’s political overreach.