Sign the "Shut It Down!" National Petition
If you REJECT Congress passing a continuing resolution that extends the Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer spending priorities, take action now! Tell GOP Reps to "Shut It Down!" -
Donation (v2)
Your "Shut It Down!" Faxes Are Ready For Immediate Delivery!
If you prefer a government shutdown over funding the Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer spending priorities, take action now! Fax GOP Reps and now and tell them to "Shut It Down!" -
Thank You For Voting! Now...
I just sent signed the national petition telling the House GOP: "Get Back To Work!" Go here to add your name: -
Donation (v2)
You're "Tell The GOP They're Failing!" Fax Order
Let your voice be heard.... FAX CONGRESS NOW: -