NEW: Fax Up To 133 "Uniparty All-Stars" Who Voted To SELL OUT America AGAIN! Go here.
Last night, a group of Uniparty Senate RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) stood with Democrats to complete the GOP's latest CAVE to Joe and the radical, unhinged Left. A total of 17 so-called GOP Senators joined 149 RINO Representatives, who voted one day earlier, to help the horribly misnamed "Fiscal Responsibility Act" become law.
It was sickening, but (sadly) not shocking, to see so many so-called "Republicans" work closely with Democrats to achieve what was, essentially, a RIGGED LEGISLATIVE OUTCOME for a bill that:
1. DID NOT cut spending (despite the Uniparty's claims);
2. Made PERMANENT the 40% INCREASE in the size of government due to COVID;
3. Kept INTACT more than 98% of the IRS WEAPONIZATION against conservatives;
4. ERASED the debt ceiling until, at least, January 2025 -- if not longer; and
5. Was supported by MORE Democrat House members than Republican Representatives!
If you're had enough of the Republican Establishment's antics, take immediate action. Fax up to 133 of those 166 House and Senate RINOs now. Tell them they've been NOMINATED and ACCEPTED as a Lifetime Member of the D.C. UNIPARTY!
Not a VIP? Go here to send this FaxFire for just $3!
Go the "extra mile" and add another 50 Uniparty House members for only $20 more. That's up to 75 faxes for $35 -- 53% OFF! Or fax EVERY Uniparty RINO with a working fax number who voted "Yes" for only $60. Instantly send up to 133 faxes at 55% OFF! Click here to fax now.
In response to this week's dirty, debt-limit debacle, join hundreds, possibly thousands, of your fellow "America First" patriots to give "credit" where it's due. Tell up to 133 of the 166 "Uniparty All-Stars" in the House and Senate that they've been nominated and accepted for a Lifetime Membership in the D.C. Uniparty!
Thanks, in advance, for supporting life, liberty and limited government.
The Grassfire Team
P.S. It's not every day that lawmakers who claim to support more liberty and less government spending cave so quickly, easily and completely to the opposition party -- even though they control America's "purse." Make your voice heard by faxing these "Uniparty All-Stars" now! Go here:
P.P.S. Click here for a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact info. Read about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.
Senate Approves Deal Raising Debt Ceiling, Averting U.S. Default (The Wall Street Journal)
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