Last week, Grassfire explained that the Merriam-Webster dictionary defined a boondoggle as "a wasteful or impractical project or activity." Earlier today, we told you about a Wall Street Journal article that revealed what the Democrats really hope to achieve through their $1.9 trillion COVID boondoggle. An op-ed in today's print edition calls The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 a "stealth plan to enact universal basic income." The article also says:

"Under the guise of pandemic relief, the federal government would give a nonworking single parent with two preschool-age children and one in grade school $850 a month. This would come on top of other government benefits, including $680 a month in food stamps, amounting to $18,360 in combined annual income. That’s the equivalent, without accounting for taxes, of working 28 hours a week at $12.50 an hour. On top of that, the family would receive health insurance from Medicaid, and it may also receive housing and child-care assistance. Government benefits to nonworking households that are this generous are bound to reduce employment."

This bill would pay millions of people more money to stay home than to work. That's simply unAmerican AND unsustainable. As we mentioned in our previous email, "When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you always get Paul's vote." This vote-buying scheme could keep the radical Democrats in power for generations -- or at least until taxpayer money runs out.

The Unhinged Left wants to institute "universal basic income," open the door to "universal" (government-run) health care, and push America farther down the road to full-blown socialism. It’s ironic how, to quench THEIR constant thirst for power, congressional Democrats want Americans suckling on the government teat from cradle to grave. We can't let this image be a metaphor for the future of this great nation:


"The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021" calls for billions and billions of taxpayer dollars to be spent on liberal giveaways that do little or nothing to fight coronavirus. It's a Democrat "wish list" of progressive "pork" that doesn't do enough to help struggling families, small businesses, schools or those most at risk to the coronavirus. In fact, less than 9% of the bill's $1.9 trillion will be spent on actually fighting coronavirus!

When Representatives were debating "Pelosi's Progressive Payoff" in the House last week, Grassfire warned our team members that this wasteful, impractical bill throws billions of taxpayer dollars at Democrat-run states, such as California, New Jersey and New York. For a full year, blue-state leaders have failed their citizens through draconian closures, shutdowns and lockdowns. Now, with Democrats in power in our nation's capital, they're being rewarded for it?

The Senate began debate on the The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 today, and a floor vote is expected TOMORROW. Don't be fooled! It is NOT a COVID-relief bill. This legislation is a Democrat "wish list" that will enact a radical, extreme, far-Left agenda. To stop it, GOP Senators need to hear from grassroots patriots like you NOW!

Grassfire is giving you the opportunity to reach directly into the halls of Congress. Make your voice heard now using "Stop The COVID Boondoggle!" FaxFire! Click here or on the banner below to immediately send your personalized fax message to EVERY Republican Senator for just $30:

(Not a VIP? Go here to send this fax at 80% discount.)
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As part of their ongoing, liberal, anti-America agenda, radical Democrats and the Unhinged Left will try to ram their highly partisan "COVID relief" bill through the Senate TOMORROW. This radical-left, liberal giveaway -- backed by the Biden administration -- MUST BE STOPPED!

All 50 Republican Senators MUST hear from grassroots patriots BEFORE Thursday's expected vote! Click here to fax now. If possible, please "go the extra mile" by sending LEVEL TWO faxes. You'll reach ALL 100 U.S. Senators for just $50. That's only $.50 per fax -- a 50% discount!

The Senate version of Grassfire's "Stop The COVID Boondoggle!" FaxFire has all-new targets and updated fax letters. So even if you took action and contacted House members last week, please consider faxing again. To send your own faxes, click here for our list of Senators and their contact information. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard.

For life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. The late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously said, "The trouble with socialism is that, eventually, you run out of other people's money." Don't be fooled. This $1.9 trillion COVID boondoggle is another giant step toward turning the United States into a socialist nation that empowers tyranny at the expense of the American dream. Let Senators know what you think by clicking here or on the banner below now. Immediately send "Stop The COVID Boondoggle!" faxes to all 50 GOP Senators for just $30:


Boondoggle (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Democrats' Stealth Plan to Enact Universal Basic Income (The Wall Street Journal)