India is still very much in crisis. One report today said:
Both cities and rural areas have been hit and the already-weak health care infrastructure is crumbling. Crematoriums are full and in some cases, dead bodies are being dumped in the river Ganges. Meanwhile, the Indian government is busy spinning counternarratives and penalizing taking pictures at crematoriums.
Pastor Abraham in Delhi with Christ for India needs help IMMEDIATELY. They have lost 10 pastors and others are clinging to life. If you can help, go here to make a gift directly to Christ For India to help Pastor Abraham save lives while they continue other vital efforts:
+ + Your gift today will be doubled
Christ for India has received a special gift of $15,000 that will EFFECTIVELY DOUBLE gifts this week until they reach that amount. I'm hoping the Grassfire team will step forward and help in a big way -- even "match" the entire amount. Please go here to make a tax-deductible gift -- doubled by this special commitment.
Christ For India is one of the largest Christian ministries in all of India. God has uniquely positioned them to help those who are suffering right now. Pastor Abraham has a network of 4,500 churches in addition to orphanages, Bible schools, and schools for battered women.
Please help. Go here. Thanks for your consideration,
Steve Elliott, Grassfire
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