CNN is retreating from its reporting (see below) that a Russian invasion of Ukraine "is now virtually certain," perhaps by mid-February. The network deleted tweets and temporarily took an entire video segment offline after the White House claimed "anonymous sources are 'leaking falsehoods.'"

But the truth is that the Pentagon's chief spokesperson, John Kirby, told the press on Thursday: "We've ... said for quite some time that another incursion by Russia could be imminent, and imminent means imminent." When and if Russian forces launch a "minor incursion" or a major one, Joe Biden promised in a tweet on Thursday:

I spoke with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to discuss our coordinated diplomatic efforts and reaffirm our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We will respond decisively — along with our Allies and partners — if Russia further invades Ukraine.

But what about the "sovereignty and territorial integrity" of America's border? In just one year, the Biden regime has allowed more than two million illegal aliens into the U.S. from Mexico, while committing hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to help secure Ukraine's border!

Grassfire wants to know if our team members think Joe Biden is PROTECTING THE WRONG BORDER. Please cast your YES or NO vote now in this week's "Wrong Border?" QuickPoll below.

If you've already made your voice heard, please consider forwarding this email to your family members and friends. We'd like to know what they think, too. Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.

For life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

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Friday morning:

CNN and the Pentagon say a Russian invasion of Ukraine could be imminent. The Cable News Network's senior national security correspondent, Alexander Marquardt, quoted a "senior Ukrainian offical" in a Twitter post yesterday:

A Russian invasion is now virtually certain once the ground freezes, Biden said to Zelensky. ... Kyiv could be "sacked," Russian forces may attempt to occupy it, "prepare for impact", Biden said, according to this official.

That information supposedly came from a phone call Joe Biden had with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy yesterday. The White House denies those reports and released a "readout" from that call that painted a much more positive picture of their conversation. Still, it's a chat that should concern EVERY "America First" patriot. Here's an excerpt from the Biden regime's statement:

President Biden reaffirmed the readiness of the United States along with its allies and partners to respond decisively if Russia further invades Ukraine. He also underscored the commitment of the United States to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

What about America's "sovereignty and territorial integrity"? Two million illegal aliens have been "detected" crossing into the U.S. from Mexico over the past 12 months. (Officials have NO IDEA how many have entered without getting caught!) Yet, Joe Biden is promising to help protect Ukraine's border and continues to do nothing to secure his own.

The crisis along America's southern border threatens our great nation's sovereignty, security and way of life. Should protecting U.S. interests come before sending our troops to secure Ukraine's border against a possible Russian invasion? Make your voice heard using Grassfire's "Wrong Border?" Quickpoll now.

+ + Vote In Grassfire's "Wrong Border?" QuickPoll!

Grassfire wants to know what you think, {{recipient.first_name_or_friend}}. Is the Biden regime protecting the wrong border? Please vote in this week's QuickPoll and make your voice heard. Click here or on the "YES!" button below if you think Joe Biden should secure the U.S. border before protecting Ukraine's. Click here or on the "NO!" button below if you support sending American troops halfway across the world to help stop a possible Russian invasion.


Also yesterday, the Pentagon's chief spokesman warned about a possible invasion of Ukraine, telling the press: "We've ... said for quite some time that another incursion by Russia could be imminent, and imminent means imminent." He also said the U.S. is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to help protect Ukraine and its borders.

Is Joe Biden failing to secure America's southern border from a literal invasion of illegal aliens on purpose? Or is he trying to support a strategic ally and avert World War III? Could his administration and FAKE NEWS be focusing on the Ukraine-Russia conflict hoping the American people will forget that Mr. Biden is ignoring a crisis at his own border?

Please let us know where you stand by making your voice heard in our "Wrong Border?" QuickPoll. If you've already voted, please consider forwarding this email to your family members and friends. We'd like to know what they think, too. Thanks, in advance, for taking action this morning.

For life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Please note that our polls are not scientific, nor are they meant to endorse any candidate or official position. While they're for informational purposes only, we're confident our QuickPolls accurately reflect the views of "America First" patriots across the United States.