The battle to stop Joe Biden's tyrannical and unconstitutional jab mandates just suffered a HUGE setback. Late yesterday, a 2-1 decision by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals overruled another federal court and reinstated the Biden regime's vaccine requirements on private businesses with 100 or more employees.
In November, the 5th Circuit Court called the administration's vaccine mandate "staggeringly overbroad," adding that it raised "serious constitutional concerns." CNBC says yesterday's ruling affects "about 80 million American workers":
The more than two dozen lawsuits filed against the vaccine and testing requirements were transferred to the Sixth Circuit last month after the Biden administration ask a multidistrict litigation panel to consolidate the case in a single court through random selection.
According to Citizen Free Press, the battle to stop Joe Biden and the radical, unhinged Left will be the U.S. Supreme Court "perhaps as early as next week."
+ + Demand Congress Stop Joe Biden's COVID Tyranny And Forced Vaccination Of America!
On December 8, the Senate voted 52-48 in favor of repealing Joe Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate. On that same day, only hours before Senators passed their resolution, POLITICO reported:
(It) will set up a battle in the House, where Republicans plan to circulate a discharge petition to force Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to schedule a vote on the resolution. ... Biden's vaccine mandate would suffer a major political blow if bipartisan majorities in both chambers vote to overturn it.
A day later, Grassfire contacted the office of House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) to ask when Pelosi might schedule a House vote to repeal the Biden regime's tyrannical vaccine mandate. Our contact there laughed at the idea. "Ha! She won't do it," they wrote.
You can pressure your key House and Senate leaders to fight Joe Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandates. The national "No Jab Mandate!" petition empowers you to send a bold, anti-tyranny message to Capitol Hill. Fight Joe Biden's and the Democrats' COVID tyranny! Click here or on the banner below now to INSTANTLY sign the "No Jab Mandate!" national petition:
Multiple federal courts had paused Joe Biden's forced vaccination of America. But now, the 6th Circuit's decision on Friday sets up a constitutional showdown at the Supreme Court.
The Senate has already passed a resolution repealing the Biden regime's COVID tyranny. It's time for the House to do the same! Click here to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill.
Millions of Americans should NOT have to chose between taking the jab and losing their job. So, Grassfire is empowering team members to fight back against the Biden regime's COVID tyranny!
The radical, unhinged Left is determined to use the FEARdemic to strip Americans of their God-given, constitutional rights. If you're outraged by these attacks on your freedom, take immediate action! If you REJECT the radical Democrats' efforts to "reset" America into a "woke," socialist, totalitarian state, you CAN do something to stop it!
You can join the fight against COVID tyranny! Tell Republicans in the House to push for and vote "No" on a resolution to repeal Joe Biden's forced vaccination of America. If you oppose this kind of government overreach, take immediate action by clicking here to sign the "NO JAB MANDATE!" national petition now. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Please note that Grassfire is not against people choosing to receive the coronavirus vaccine (or any other immunization), especially the elderly and those most at risk. But the Biden regime and the radical, unhinged Left have launched the FORCED VACCINATION of America. If you do NOT think the "jab" should be mandated or forced on Americans for work, school, military service or any other reason, click here or on the banner below to sign the "No Jab Mandate!" national petition now:
Federal appeals court reinstates Biden administration’s business vaccine and testing mandate (CNBC)
Breaking — 6th Circuit reinstates Biden Vaccine Mandate nationwide (Citizen Free Press)
Senate poised to pass resolution to nullify Biden vaccine mandate (POLITICO Playbook)
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