Add Your Name To The "No Jab Mandate!" National Petition!

The Biden regime is pushing a very aggressive and unconstitutional agenda to vaccinate as many Americans as possible against COVID-19. Joe Biden even said at a press conference:

"We need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and often times door to door."

You can take action now to demand Senators and Representatives fight legislatively proposed "jab" mandates and those enacted via executive order by Joe Biden and radical, unhinged Democrats. If you oppose outrageous tactics to pressure Americans to get vaccinated, please sign the "No Jab Mandate!" national petition now!

Add your name today and Grassfire will deliver your petition to Republican leadership on Capitol Hill when we reach 20,000 signatures.

Petition: I Oppose Biden's Vaccine Tyranny And Demand "No Jab Mandate!"

The Biden administration's efforts to force Americans to receive COVID-19 injections is outrageous, unacceptable and unconstitutional. I oppose the vaccine tyranny of this radically leftist "regime," and I urge you and your congressional colleagues to take action by vehemently opposing the forced vaccination of America.

Will you sign?
16,208 signatures so far. Help us get to 20,000