Senate Republicans are still fighting the Democrats' $1.9 trillion COVID boondoggle! The Upper Chamber convened at 9:00 a.m. ET yesterday and has remained in session since then. Grassfire has received update emails from the office of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) throughout the night.
GOP Senators have been fighting against H.R.1319, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, by attaching more than 100 amendments and motions to commit to the onerous and financially irresponsible bill. The "vote-a-rama," an extended sequence of back-to-back votes in the United States Senate, that began yesterday is continuing now -- with a final vote expect later today.According to McConnell's office, Senators have voted on about two dozen amendments or motions to commit (MTC) over the past 24 hours. Dozens more are expected throughout the day -- and possibly into tomorrow. (See a list of amendments and MTCs here.)
While most have been defeated by a 50-49 vote, Senate Republicans are NOT GIVING UP! They're doing everything legislatively possible to delay passage of the COVID boondoggle -- a nearly $2 trillion Democrat "wish list" of progressive, pork spending.
Now is the time for grassroots patriots, like you, to make their voices heard. Take immediate action to urge GOP Senators to stand firm and stay united to stop the highly partisan and socialist-leaning American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
For just $30, you can instantly fax EVERY Republican Senator and demand they "Stop The COVID Boondoggle!" Click here or on the banner below to instantly send your personalized fax message to all 50 GOP Senators for just $30:
(Not a VIP? Go here to sign up and send this fax and others at huge discounts.)
(Having trouble accessing your benefits? Go here.)
The $1.9 trillion COVID boondoggle is a nightmare that would plunge America further into debt, while taking a giant step toward socialism. After Congress signed a $3.5 trillion "stimulus" bill last year, the U.S. deficit rose to the highest percentage of GDP since World War II.
Republicans MUST stand firm and stay united to stop The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021! With less than 9% of the money earmarked for public-health spending related to the pandemic, H.R.1319 is NOT a coronavirus-relief bill. It's a Democrat "wish list" of progressive pork that will fund an extremely radical, far-left agenda.
This highly partisan and socialist-leaning legislation is the Democrats' gateway to "universal basic income." H.R.1319 incentivizes living off government handouts rather than working.
If you want to see The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 defeated in the Senate, click here now to utilize Grassfire's "Stop The COVID Boondoggle!" FaxFire and make your voice heard! Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.
For life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. If you can, please "go the extra mile" today by sending LEVEL TWO faxes. You'll reach all 100 U.S. Senators for just $50. (That's only 50 cents per fax!) Click here or on the banner below to take immediate action and demand the Senate "Stop The COVID Boondoggle!":
FY21 Reconciliation Amendment Tracker (Senate•gov)
H.R.1319: The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Congress•gov)
Vote-a-rama (KeithHennessey•com)
Boondoggle (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
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