Grassfire has learned from one of our Capitol Hill contacts that votes on Joe Biden's $1.7-BILLION SPENDING SCAM are likely to wrap up just in time for Christmas. The earliest the House is expected to meet is Wednesday, December 21 and "will stay in session until the Omnibus is completed." Here's the latest about the Senate's action on the Biden SPENDING SCAM from Roll Call:
The Senate on Thursday cleared a one-week continuing resolution to keep the government funded through Dec. 23. ... The stopgap extension cleared on a 71-19 vote, likely a benchmark for potential support on the omnibus next week. That measure will start in the Senate.
Roll Call added that lawmakers are expected to "unveil" their "sprawling omnibus package" on Monday afternoon. Merry Christmas, America! The Biden Regime, Democrats and Uni-Party RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) will soon have a $1.7-BILLION lump of coal ready for American taxpayers to choke on in the New Year.
This Biden Boondoggle could rightly be called "The Nightmare Before Christmas!" The backroom, dirty-deal omnibus package will finance the Biden Regime's "America Last" agenda for nine more months -- through the current fiscal year, ending on September 30, 2023. But a new, Republican-controlled House of Representatives will be seated in 16 days! Why would a single GOP Senator support this SPENDING SCAM? Click here to fax up to 40 of them now!
Shouldn't the 118th Congress, which convenes on January 3, 2023, have the right to set America's spending priorities immediately? Why force them to wait nine months to start fixing the two years of damage done to America by Joe Biden's "presidency"?
Also, if Congress can pass a week-long continuing resolution (CR) to avert a government shutdown, like they did yesterday, why isn't the GOP pushing for a month-long spending bill instead? Why not fund the government ONLY until Republicans take control of the House in less than three weeks?
+ + Votes Pending: Take Action By Faxing Key Senators Now!
For just $10, Grassfire is empowering team members to instantly fax 10 Senators -- nine RINOs and "moderate" Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) -- using Grassfire's "Stop The Spending Scam!" FaxFire. Or, for only $30, send your personalized message to 41 key Senators on Capitol Hill. That's the EXACT number needed to BLOCK the lame-duck lawmakers' spending bill.
Not a VIP? Go here to send this FaxFire for just $2!
+ + Crucial Senate Votes Imminent!
In the face of yet another pending cave by spineless, weak-kneed, Uni-Party RINOs, Grassfire is empowering "America First" patriots to make their voices heard. Take action BEFORE the Senate votes on this new SPENDING SCAM. Utilize our unique FaxFire system to reach up to 85 Senators now. Demand they reject the latest "Biden Boondoggle" and pass a month-long spending bill.
Because your action is so critical, we're empowering team members to instantly reach NINE Senate RINOs -- who voted with Democrats earlier this month on the horribly misnamed "Respect For Marriage Act" -- and "moderate," swing-vote Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) for only $10. RINOs are so afraid of FAKE NEWS and the Woke Mob that they refuse to stand up to the Biden Regime and stop ANOTHER massive SPENDING SCAM.
Again, instantly fax up to 10 key Senators for only $10. Our LEVEL TWO "Stop The Spending Scam!" faxes enable you to send your personalized message to an additional 39 GOP Senators for just $30 (up to 41 total faxes). Or utilize LEVEL THREE of this exclusive FaxFire to reach EVERY Senator with a working fax number (up to 85 total) for $50. Click here to fax Senate offices on Capitol Hill now. Thanks, in advance, for taking action this morning.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. It happens all the time. The Uni-Party "elite" will schedule middle-of-the-night votes to pass their "America Last" agenda. Then, Democrats and RINOs will flee D.C. for Christmas, while grinning and patting themselves on the back for sticking it to American taxpayers AGAIN! Fight back against this "lame duck" Congress and their dirty, backroom deal to fund the failed, tyrannical Biden Regime FOR THE NEXT NINE MONTHS! Go here to send your "Stop The Spending Scam!" faxes to Senators now for a little as $10:
P.P.S. To send your own faxes, click here for a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact info. Read about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.
One-week stopgap bill clears as appropriators work to close out omnibus (Roll Call)
Key Lawmakers Announce Government Funding Deal Framework (Breitbart News)
Congress Faces Deadline for Keeping Government Funded (The Wall Street Journal)
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