This week, journalists at Axios admitted something about President Trump that Grassfire has been trying to tell our team members for months. The left-leaning website reported:
"If he were to win — and run the White House like he has his campaign — he could reshape America and its government more quickly, and in more lasting ways, than he did during his first term."
Our recently published book, 21 Years of Trump, reveals how "45's" political impact will impact our great nation for more than two decades. Grassfire founder and president Steve Elliott wrote this important and insightful resource exclusively for our team members.
To really understand what's happening regarding President Trump, the endless attacks against him, and this year's election, you need to read 21 Years of Trump. Inside its pages, you'll learn why his dominance is only just beginning.
We want you to have your copy ASAP. Grassfire staff is ready to ship orders within 24 to 48 hours -- absolutely FREE! We want 21 Years of Trump in your hands now that President Trump is on the verge of locking up the GOP nomination for a THIRD time.
GO HERE NOW to reserve your copy for ANY AMOUNT.
Grassfire wrote this book for YOU and our other core team members who care deeply about America's future. Learn what's really behind the attacks on President Trump. Find out why and how we'll prevail!
21 Years is not available in any bookstore -- not Barnes & Noble, not Amazon nor any other retailer. You can only get this book HERE!
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Again, we want you to have a copy of this new, groundbreaking resource ASAP. Order one copy for ANY AMOUNT, or receive two for your gift of $30 or more. Keep one and share the other with a friend or family member. Shipping is FREE!
Thank you, in advance, for helping us build in this crucial election year.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. You're receiving this update because our records indicate you haven't requested 21 Years of Trump yet. Go here to understand why America needs "45" in the Oval Office again and why his political impact will last for decades:
Behind the Curtain: Trump's exponential power surge (Axios)
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© 2024 Grassfire, a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.
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