Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. ET:
We have some "breaking news" to tell you about regarding the anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill that's pending in the House. A short time ago, Grassfire received an email update from the office of House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA). Representatives are now scheduled to vote on the horribly misnamed "Respect For Marriage Act" at 10:30 a.m. ET tomorrow (Thursday).
That gives you and other "America First" patriots less than 24 hours to protect conservatives, Christians and other people of faith by making your voice heard. Click here or on the banner below now if you don't want Congress to CANCEL your constitutional right to oppose or even speak out against same-sex marriage, homosexuality and transgenderism. Thanks, in advance, for making your voice heard BEFORE tomorrow's House vote.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. This dangerous bill, H.R.8404, targets anyone who objects to same-sex marriage, homosexuality and/or transgenderism on religious or moral grounds. Don't let the Biden Regime and "Uni-Party" lawmakers punish you for your sincerely held beliefs. That's NOT the American way! Go here to fight for your constitutional rights to free speech and freedom of religion now:
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Wednesday morning:
The Biden Regime, their fellow Democrats and Uni-Party RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) are on the verge of punishing conservatives, Christians and other people of faith by passing the so-called "Respect For Marriage Act." If you hold traditional views on marriage and sexuality, your constitutional right to speak out against same-sex marriage, homosexuality and transgenderism are at risk.
A marriage between one man and one woman has been a fundamental, building block of society for thousands of years. But the Unhinged Left and the "woke mob" want to force Americans to embrace their gay-rights and trans-rights agenda. Shame on RINOs for thinking this bill won't put a target on the backs of millions of Americans who reject pro-LGBTQ ideology.
"We the People" have seen enough of the far-Left's "cancel culture" to know they'll attack anyone and everyone who refuses to embrace their godless, socialist and progressive "group think." Conservatives, Christians and other people of faith deserve to have their voices heard -- and protected -- on this threat to the First Amendments' promise of religious liberty and free speech.
That's why Grassfire is empowering you to fax DOZENS of key Republican House members to "Stop The Dis-Respect For Marriage Act!" Take immediate action against this DIRECT THREAT to your freedom of speech AND freedom of religion. Click here or on the banner below now to instantly fax EVERY House Republican leader and other key GOP Representatives on Capitol Hill -- for as little as $15:
+ + Fight To Protect Your First-Amendment, Religious-Liberty Rights!
If the Biden Regime and their "Uni-Party" allies get their way, your First Amendment rights are about to be CANCELED! The House of Representatives is expected to vote TOMORROW or Thursday on the Senate version of the horribly misnamed "Respect For Marriage Act." Click here to fax GOP lawmakers now.
H.R.8404 is a DIRECT ATTACK on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Are you a conservative, a Christian or a person of another faith who objects to same-sex marriage, homosexuality and/or transgenderism on religious or moral grounds? If so, this anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill could punish you for your sincerely held beliefs. THAT'S NOT THE AMERICAN WAY!
Again, Representatives could send this bill to Joe Biden's desk for his signature LESS THAN 24 HOURS FROM NOW. The so-called "Respect For Marriage Act" targets the constitutional rights of Americans who hold traditional views on marriage and sexuality. Click here to send your personalized message to Republican Representatives on Capitol Hill now -- for as low as $15.
Because GOP Senators failed last week, it's up to House Republicans to keep fighting! So, we're empowering you to instantly reach dozens of lawmakers to demand they "Stop The Dis-Respect For Marriage Act!" Thanks, in advance, for taking immediate action tonight to make your voice heard in our nation's capital.
Standing for life liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, "America First" patriots may have less than 24 hours to make their voices heard to stop the so-called "Respect For Marriage Act" from becoming law. You can take a stand, right now, to protect every Americans' constitutional, First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion regarding same-sex marriage, homosexuality and transgenderism.
P.P.S. For a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information, click here. Read about the FaxFire system's deliverability here.
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