Dear Representative,


I'm sure you're familiar with the Left's "My body, my choice" mantra. So, why should Americans NOT have the right to decide for themselves whether or not to have a new, potentially harmful, coronavirus vaccine or booster injected into their bodies? I urge all liberty-loving lawmakers to take a stand against the Biden regime's COVID tyranny!


Three days before Christmas, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) made a stunning, but welcomed, announcement. Justices will hear oral arguments January 7 challenging two of Joe Biden's vaccine mandates. I'm faxing today to call on the House of Representatives to follow the Senate's lead. Vote to defund and repeal the Biden regime's unconstitutional, COVID-immunization requirements BEFORE next week's emergency SCOTUS session.


Joe Biden and the radical, unhinged Left keep pushing draconian, unnecessary, unconstitutional, "jab" policy. So, I'm calling on Representatives to work together in passing legislation, similar to the Senate resolution, that would repeal Mr. Biden's tyrannical vaccine mandates. House Republicans MUST circulate a discharge petition to force Speaker Nancy Pelosi to schedule a vote on the Senate measure as soon as possible.


The recent ruling by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has intensified the fight to stop the Biden regime's forced vaccination of our great nation. Tens of millions of Americans should NOT be forced to choose between getting immunized with an experimental injection and losing their job. Today, I'm taking action against COVID tyranny! Clearly, we should use the coronavirus vaccine to protect elderly Americans, those with preexisting conditions and others at heightened risk. But again, the government should not force an immunization on anyone who doesn't want it.


Again, I urge you to take whatever legislative steps necessary to make sure the Biden administration ends its implementation of "vaccine tyranny" and stops violating the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens. Please note that I will monitor the House of Representatives' response to my urgent call to action. Thank you for your time and attention.




A Taxpaying, American Citizen