At 8:59 p.m. ET last night, a Grassfire staff member received an urgent text requesting prayer for Israel. A contact in the Holy Land forwarded the message from a "believing" IDF soldier. He sent it from a rooftop near the frontlines of the fight against Hamas terrorists. We're sharing this reservist's urgent prayer requests with permission:
I'm sitting here on the roof of a house, with a rifle in my lap overlooking Gaza, as rockets fly overhead every 4 minutes. It makes it very easy to think of things to pray for!
Please pray for the victims and their families. Many of the deaths were horrific. I can't even imagine what they are feeling.
Please pray for those who are currently in captivity. May God help them.
Please pray for those that are wounded and fighting for their lives in the hospitals, there are so many.
Please pray for our leaders and decision makers -- for wisdom.
Please pray for our soldiers.
- For alertness
- For wisdom
- For maturity
- For strength
And also for love -- the atrocities that they are seeing and going through really take a mental toll -- and it makes it easy to start feeling hatred.
Please pray for our believing soldiers. We aren't many... and two have already lost their lives in the last 4 days.
There is a lot of talk about God and death now amongst the soldiers. I have already spoken to 5 different soldiers about my faith in Jesus during our guard shifts. Please pray that we would give a good witness.
Please pray for the parents of soldiers, for the wives and husbands of soldiers and for the children of soldiers.
In the coming days, there will be more military engagement as the Army plans to mobilize. Although we hope there will be no casualties, it is unlikely.
Many soldiers have been drafted, but they don't have adequate equipment.
There are also talks of medical equipment shortages for near future in the field as the IDF contemplates its next move.
Please pray for our businesses.
It's hard to keep a regular work routine with everything that is going on, but we continue.
Some of the team have husbands and children that have been drafted and are in harm's way.
The Bible tells us to pray for our enemies. For Hamas. That's hard to do at this point.
But we pray for the poor innocent people of the Gaza Strip who have been dragged into this war.
Please pray that the situation will not escalate in the North of Israel.
We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the salvation of the Jewish and Arab people
Please pray! 🙏🏼
The sun has already set in Israel, which means another night of fighting ahead for this IDF soldier and thousands of others. Please join us in praying for peace and salvation in the Holy Land.
+ + Take Action Now To Show Your Support For Israel!
As the fighting rages and the death toll rises on both sides, Grassfire is empowering you to "Stand With Israel!" Just a few clicks are all that's needed to add your name to the "Statement of Support" for the Holy Land. Call on Republican leaders in Congress to "provide whatever help Israel needs to maintain its sovereignty, security and way of life in the aftermath of the horrific terror attacks."
Sign the "I Stand With Israel" Statement of Support now by clicking here or on the banner below:
The United States was the first country to recognize Israel's independence in 1948. Without question, the Jewish state is America's greatest ally, as well as the only democracy, in the Middle East. That's why the Holy Land and its people urgently need to know who their friends are at this difficult time.
You can "Stand With Israel!" today by clicking here to add your name to the "Statement Of Support" now. Grasssfire will share it with Republican leaders on Capitol Hill once we reach 10,000 signatures. (Read the full statement below.) Thank you, in advance, for making your voice heard today.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Again, we're empowering you to show your support for the Holy Land and its people today. after you pray, please consider signing the Statement of Support to declare: "I Stand With Israel!" Click here or on the banner below to add your name now:
The "I Stand With Israel!" Statement of Support says:
"As an American citizen, I support the nation of Israel, its sovereignty, and the Jewish state's right to exist. By signing this statement, I affirm that I recognize and celebrate Israel's standing as our nation's greatest ally in the Middle East. I also call for the United States to provide whatever help Israel needs to maintain its sovereignty, security and way of life in the aftermath of the horrific terror attacks."
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