The Senate will vote soon on Joe Biden's pick to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). After a four-day Senate hearing to consider Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson last week, the Judiciary Committee is scheduled to meet again today regarding her nomination. On Friday, Grassfire received a key update directly from the office of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) about the confirmation process:

Rules allow a one week carry over/delay, which may mean a committee vote could occur on Monday April 4. We won't know the full Senate consideration schedule until the nominee is out of committee. 

McConnell has already said he will vote AGAINST Judge Jackson's confirmation to America' High Court, but her nomination must move out of committee to reach the floor of the Upper Chamber. With a crucial vote pending next Monday, "America First" patriots have just one week to make their voices heard. 

Click here or on the banner below now to demand Republican Senators vote "NO!" on Joe Biden's Supreme Court nominee -- both in committee AND on the Senate floor:

Grassfire is mobilizing a petition delivery to McConnell and the Senate Judiciary Committee's ranking member, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), before next Monday's critical vote. That gives grassroots citizens LESS THAN SEVEN DAYS to take a stand and demand GOP Senators vote against moving Judge Jackson's nomination to the Senate floor.

Most Democrats are willing to overlook her controversial court rulings, criminal sentencing and apparent support for Critical Race Theory to vote in favor of her lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. But what about Republicans?

You can demand the rest of the GOP join McConnell in opposing Mr. Biden's SCOTUS pick. Republican Senators must stand strong and stay united if they want to stop Judge Jackson's confirmation. Click here to add your name to the national petition now. Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.

For life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. While Judge Jackson would be the first black woman to serve on America's High Court, many Americans appear to have doubts about her judicial philosophy and fear she would be an "activist" judge. Recently, a left-leaning poll found that less than half of the people they surveyed (47%) think she should be confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. Click here or on the banner below to demand GOP Senators vote against Mr. Biden's nominee:


"I Cannot and Will Not Support Judge Jackson" (RepublicanLeader·Senate·gov)

National Tracking Poll (Morning Consult/Politico)