URGENT: Anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill threatens religious liberty! >>TAKE ACTION HERE<<
On July 26, shortly after the House passed another anti-faith, pro-LTGBQ bill, more than 80 national religious leaders sent an urgent letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Those men and women from dozens of Christian ministries, organizations and universities wrote "to denounce H.R.8404, the so-called 'Respect for Marriage Act,' in the strongest possible terms."
They want McConnell to rally Republicans in the Upper Chamber to stop H.R.8404 from becoming the law. The gay-rights and trans-rights legislation would punish conservatives, Christians and other people of faith who hold traditional views of marriage and sexuality. The letter also insists:
"The Act, which was suddenly rushed through the House without any public hearings or input, is an attack on millions of Americans, particularly people of faith, who believe marriage is between one man and one woman and that legitimate distinctions exist between men and women concerning family formation that should be recognized in the law."
Those religious leaders warned McConnell that the bill will "endanger people of faith," while doing nothing to strengthen or change current law on same-sex marriage: "H.R.8404 aims to shut down any disagreement, silencing those with the long-held conviction that marriage between one man and one woman is essential to human flourishing, a view that has existed from the dawn of time."
If you're among the millions of Americans who, as the letter describes, "decline to openly embrace extreme views regarding marriage and human sexuality," the so-called "Respect for Marriage Act" is a direct threat to your First Amendment right to religious freedom!
The Senate is expected to vote soon on the anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ H.R.8404. If you want GOP Senators to protect the constitutional rights of conservatives, Christians and other people of faith who reject same-sex marriage, sign the national petition to stop the "Dis-Respect For Marriage Act"! Click here to add your name now.
+ + URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Petition GOP Senators To Stop The "DIS-RESPECT FOR MARRIAGE" Act From Becoming Law!
Grassfire has launched an URGENT PETITION DRIVE to empower our team members to demand GOP Senators take a stand. Call on them to protect conservatives, Christians and other people of faith from radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left, and the "woke," pro-LGBTQ mob!
+ + Fight To Protect Your First-Amendment, Religious-Liberty Rights!
The Bible says in Isaiah 5:20, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." A marriage between one man and one woman has been a fundamental, building block of society for thousands of years, but H.R.8404 targets Americans who hold traditional views on marriage and sexuality.
Radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left and the "woke mob" want to force Americans to embrace the Biden regime's gay-rights and trans-rights agenda. We the People have seen enough of the far-Left's "cancel culture" to know they'll attack anyone and everyone who refuses to embrace their godless, socialist and progressive "group think."
Senate Democrats are counting on finding 10 "squishy," weak-kneed RINOs in the Senate to pass their pro-LGBTQ, pro-gay-rights and pro-trans-rights bill. Call on the GOP to stand strong and stay united against the misnamed "Respect For Marriage Act" by signing the national petition. Click here to add your name now.
We want to deliver 10,000 petitions to GOP Senate leadership BEFORE the upcoming vote, so we're empowering you to make your voice heard. Take immediate action to stop H.R.8404 from infringing on YOUR First Amendment rights and the rights of other conservatives, Christians and people of faith! SIGN THE NATIONAL PETITION HERE. Thanks, in advance, for taking action tonight.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Those 80-plus religious leaders also warn that H.R.8404 is "a startling expansion of what marriage means." They say it also "threatens the freedom of ... Americans of different faiths, creeds, and walks of life who wish to live consistent with their deeply-held beliefs." In a future update, we'll share the TOP THREE DANGERS of this anti-faith, pro-LGBTQ bill and why GOP Senators MUST stop it from becoming law. Go here to sign the "Stop Dis-Respecting Marriage!" national petition now:
ADF Coalition Letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Alliance Defending Freedom)
H.R.8404 - Respect for Marriage Act (Congress•gov)
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