Gary LeBlanc of Mercy Chefs -- Grassfire's disaster relief partner -- sent this update. The situation in Ukraine is getting worse by the day. Gary's team is providing meals and supplies to refugees and people within miles of the fighting. Please see Gary's message below and then go here to help sponsor critical support for Ukraine refugees.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

P.S. My family donated $105 -- enough to help sponsor about 30 meals during disaster deployments. Go here to help with this crisis:

To: Steve Elliott
From: Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
Subject: Ukraine crisis ESCALATES; 700k more refugees!
Date: March 8, 2020, 5:12:25 PM ET 


The crisis in Ukraine is worsening. Reports indicate that 1.7 million people are now refugees, and there is no resolution in sight. Today, Russia offered to open up so-called "humanitarian corridors" for refugees, but the "corridors" all lead back to Russia or Belarus, a close ally of Russia. In reality, everyone is fleeing away from Russia as fast as they can!

Today, Mercy Chefs is transporting thousands of pounds of food and much needed resources to churches inside Ukraine to help those who are in the midst of the war -- while we also help serve the refugees who are coming to the Romanian border.

We need help this weekMercy Chefs has already helped provide tens of thousands of meals and that number will likely grow significantly in the coming days. 

Will you partner with Mercy Chefs THIS WEEK as we reach tens of thousands of Ukrainians? Go here to help sponsor meals and supplies for refugees and those inside Ukraine who are caught in the crossfire of this horrible war:

My heart is breaking for the people of Ukraine. This is a human tragedy. But we can help ease some of the suffering, and we have a pipeline to get much-needed relief to those inside Ukraine.

Please help today. And PRAY for the people of Ukraine!

God bless,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs