President Trump was dancing again last night, this time with the Village People:

 + + Inauguration SPECIAL----

I write extensively about the power and importance of the TRUMP DANCE in my just-published book, The Golden Age Of Trump.

In honor of the Inauguration, we are making THE GOLDEN AGE available to our team members for ANY AMOUNT!

GO HERE to reserve your copy of The Golden Age Of Trump for ANY AMOUNT -- Inauguration Special:


+ + How to watch...

Here are a few links to watch the Inauguration (UNDERWAY NOW!):

Thanks so much for your faithful partnership with Grassfire as we work together to promote life, liberty and limited government!

God bless,

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

Steve Elliott


Steve Elliott is the co-founder of Grassfire, a 1.5 million member liberty-based citizen network. Steve likes to talk about politics, tech, faith and family.