Let's face it... America in 2024 is far beyond the crossroads.
Our borders are gone. Our cities are decimated. Our families are being crushed by rising inflation and the shrinking economy. Our government is bankrupt. And we can't even tell the difference between boys and girls.
It feels very much like America is stuck in a downward spiral of decay and decadence. We've talked about "building back better." We've been trying to "make America great again."
Isn't it time to PRAY America great again?
It's time to acknowledge that we need the Lord to build this house of America in 2024. Without His guiding hand, we have no hope. Apart from God, the year ahead is shaping up to be the most contentious, divisive, and destructive year in our history.
So, Grassfire is putting out a call… that it's time to PRAY America great again. We must turn our attention to the Great Architect of families and nations. We're looking for a remnant of Americans who will say, "YES, I'LL PRAY AMERICA GREAT AGAIN in 2024." Click here or on the banner below now to join us:
We hope hundreds of thousands will make PRAY AMERICA a movement this year. But we'll take a Gideon's Army who believe that politics alone won't decide our fate. Prayer will. Join us by clicking here, and let's PRAY America great again. Thank you, in advance, for taking action.
Standing for life, liberty and limited government,
The Grassfire Team
P.S. Please, don't miss this opportunity to take an active, faith-based role in saving "the land of the free and the home of the brave." Real change is possible, if we stand together in the months and years ahead. Click here or on the banner below now to join us in our efforts to PRAY America great again:
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